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Four-year-old Aaron ran to the dining table as fast as his little legs could take him.

He pulled out a seat, climbed it and sat.

"Mommy, I need help with my homework!" He called to his mom all the while scribbling some things into his note.

"Oh honey, I'm kinda busy, could you tell your dad?" His mom said from the kitchen.

"But mom, you promised!" He sulked and folded his arms.

Aaron heard his mother chuckle from the kitchen.

"I'll be right there sweety. Let me just finish this wrap for your father, ok?"

Aaron who was still sulking didn't answer her.

He pouted and his eyes caught something on the table he hadn't noticed before.

It was a circular mug, he hadn't seen the mug in the house before.

He observed it and noticed it had little blue markings on its body.

He felt wary of the mug for some reason but being the curious boy he was he took it. There was something inside.

He smiled, it smelt like blueberry juice. His mom knew it was his favourite.

"Thanks, mom!" He called and drank it all.

But it tasted nothing like blueberry juice...

Five minutes later...

"Ronnie dear, I'm all do-" His mother's eyes widened at the sight in front of her. She dropped the pencils in her hand.

"Ronnie!" She ran to where he laid fallen on the floor clutching his stomach.

"Mommy, my tummy hurts." He cried out in pain.

Just then his father came rushing in. Aaron was the spitting image of his father.

"I heard shouts, what's wrong?" His eyes widened when he saw his wife holding their son in her arms. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"He said his tummy hurts. I tried rubbing it but he wouldn't let me." She said as she looked down at her son's pain-filled eyes.

Aaron's dad came and wrapped his arm comfortingly around his wife.

"It's okay Elizabeth, tell me what happened."

"I came back from the kitchen to help him with his homework when I saw him lying on the floor."

"I asked him what was wrong and he told me he thinks it was the blueberry juice I placed for him on the dining a ceramics cup with blue prints." Elizabeth stared at her husband in the eye, panicked evident in hers.

"There was no blueberry juice on the table, I didn't put any there. I tried looking for the ceramic cup he talked about, but I didn't see any."

Her husband's bottle-green eyes widened and then furrowed in worry.

"Mommy it hurts." Aaron cried.

"You'll be fine sweety." His mother said soothingly.

"We need to take him to the hospital." His father said and she nodded.

"Here, let me take him." He carried his son in his arms tenderly.

"Go get Julie." He instructed and she nodded.

As the family were busy trying to take poor Ronnie to the hospital, a dark figure stood by the shadows watching them with a crooked grin, its red eyes glowing in the dark.


Ŵ€ Μ€€Ŧ ΔgΔΞŇ β€€ŁŽ€βỮβ." The ghostly personality which looked to be feminine, in tattered clothing hissed.

"ıŧ ɯơřҠɛɖ ʝųŞŧ ٳıҠɛ ყơų Şąıɖ ıŧ ɯơųٳɖ." Beelzebub grinned its teeth on full display.

"ŧɧɛ ცơყ ɖřąŋҠ ŧɧɛ ɯɧơٳɛ ŧɧıŋɠ."

"ĐΞĐ ¥ØỮ €V€Ř ĐØỮβŦ Μ€?" It stared at Beelzebub with sunken eyes.

"ŧɧɛ mąŞŧɛř ɧąŞ ɠřɛąŧ קٳąŋŞ ʄơř ŧɧąŧ ơŋɛ."



Beelzebub grinned.

Author's note: We take a look into the early years of Aaron. How everything that has happened to him was far from coincidental.
The forces of darkness use all sorts of manipulations, means, to infiltrate and destroy life. In this, we should not be ignorant.

Stay tuned to the very end. Next chapter is 'Big day 2'.

Feel free to comment on your thoughts.

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