Big day

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~There is no other God other than the one True God~

"How many times am I going to tell you, stop putting your books on the floor!"

"We're sorry Uncle Matt." Little Aaron and Juliet apologized with tears in their eyes.

"Next time you disobey me, it's straight to the orphanage for the both of you."

"Honey, please don't be harsh on the kids." His wife, Tara rubbed his shoulders to calm him down.

"They're your sister's children but God has given them to us as a blessing." He scoffed and shrugged her hand off gently and pecked her on the cheek.

"More like a curse. I'm off to work. I'll probably be late, don't wait for me." And with that, he got into his Porsche and was soon out of their huge driveway.

"Come here, babies." They both ran to hug her.

"You'll have to forgive him ok? He's been stressed lately." They both nodded tears rolling down their cheeks.

"You're not a curse. You're both a blessing to me." She crouched and wiped both their cheeks with her hand.

"Even though I couldn't have a child of my own, God answered my prayers and gave me two, that's a double portion." She chuckled.

"Let's go to the kitchen, I'll make something delicious and probably sugary for all three of us to munch on, how does that sound?"

"Sounds awesome!" Julie ran to the kitchen while Aaron walked slowly behind. Tara was worried about the little boy, he never talks to anyone. She knew they've both been through a lot, especially him.

She made a resolve to nurse them both back to health. God help her.


It was the night Noah would be officially announced as the new CEO of MinoCorp.

Sarah was happy for him but she felt sad for some reason. She wouldn't see him as often again once he became the CEO.

She and Judy were at his condo making final preparations before they got to the house.

Sarah and Judy were already dressed up, it was courtesy of Noah, he bought everything for them, down to the heels, the dress, the necklace and bracelets. He called it their parting gifts.

As Sarah looked into the mirror, she was awed at the reflection staring back at her. She looked beautiful.

"Hey, hey, hey Mango that's my vanity. You're cramping my space, move." She chuckled.

She watched him as he smoothened his hair and very expensive suit. As she watched him, her heart beat faster and she couldn't understand why. She looked away.

"I'll be right back guys." She needed air so she went to the balcony. It was truly a beautiful night.

She sighed and placed a hand over her heart. What was wrong with her?

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" She gasped softly and turned, it was Noah. He walked up to her and stood beside her on the balcony.

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