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~Do you believe in the spiritual? ~

"Hello, little sister." Emily hugged Sarah tightly.

She released her and scrutinized Sarah's face.

They had the same dark brown eyes and dark curly hair but in Sarah's opinion, her older sister got the better genes.

"Why are you looking all surprised? I did tell you I was coming over." Emily grinned.

'She did. How could she have forgotten?'

"I'm so sorry Emily, I completely forgot." Sarah sighed and took a sit on the counter.

"It's alright Sarah. You look tired, is everything alright?" Emily asked concerned.

"Yeah, I was out with my friends." She replied.

"Judy right?" Sarah smiled.

"And Noah."

"Who's Noah?"

"He's a friend. We work at the same corporation."

"Oooh, what's he like?"

"He's only the most annoying jerk in the universe but when he's not being a jerk he's a pretty decent guy, I think." Emily passed her a plate of her favourite food, spaghetti and meatballs.

Her mouth watered instantly.

"Wow sis, you've been busy. How long have you been here?" Sarah asked.

'She must have been here a while to have cooked up this masterpiece', Sarah thought.

"I came two hours ago." She dug into the sweetness in front of her and downed it in less than fifteen minutes.

"How did you know where to find my keys?" Sarah asked her sister who was seated on the counter.

"Please Sarah, we grew up together in the same house."

"That's where mom used to keep her keys and I know that's where I keep mine so I figured that must be where you keep yours too," Emily said smugly.

Sarah chuckled and shook her head. Those were the much simpler days.

"Do you miss them sometimes?" Sarah asked.

Emily knew she was referring to their late parents.

"Everyday little sis, every day," Emily said.

"Me too."

"How's Jerry and the kids?" Sarah asked as she washed her used plate.

"Oh, they're fine. Jerry's a real sweetheart." Emily said fondly.

"Yeah, he's always been a sweetheart, which is why I allowed you to marry him," Sarah smirked as she sat back down.
Emily chuckled and shook her head.

"You know, he's really hardworking, trying to take care of all of us."

"Sometimes, he even brings work home and hardly gets any sleep." Emily sighed and Sarah saw the worry in her eyes.

"I would cook him his favourite meal just to cheer him up and show how much I appreciated him." Sarah placed her hand on hers and gave it a little squeeze which was meant to comfort her.

"I'm sure he knows that Emily." Sarah sighed sadly.

"What I wouldn't give to have what you have with Jerry, to have someone who genuinely cares for me and loves me for who I am."

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