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~Can a man flee from the presence of God? No. His eyes are all-seeing. You can hide in the depths of the oceans even in the creases of the rocks. He still sees you.~

*Chapter contains strong language*

She exhaled and unlocked the door to her room. It was breathtaking.

"This was really a five-star hotel', she thought.

She closed the door behind her and locked it, just in case.

She plopped on the bed exhausted and hungry too. She needed to get out of those office clothes, now that she was on a bed.

She didn't want to fall asleep in them.

She took a shower and changed into a fluffy white robe. She found the shower quite soothing.

She decided to open the wardrobe and was amazed at all the clothes she saw, nightgowns, evening dresses, summer dresses, pants and tops.

There were also different types of shoes, sandals and flip flops.

She checked the drawers and saw brand new panties with matching bras.

Her head swelled with embarrassment. She didn't like the idea of wearing undergarments she hadn't purchased herself but she had little to no choice.

She had just washed hers while having her bathe and had hanged them to dry.

She took a blue matching panties and bra. She shook her head in embarrassment as she wore them.

She picked a light beautiful summer dress with floral prints on it from the wardrobe and put it on. She closed the wardrobe and was about taking a nap when she heard a knock on the door.

She opened the door and saw a middle-aged woman carrying trays of food on a cart.

"Room service."

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't call for room service," Sarah replied.

"It's on the house." The beautiful blonde woman replied with a smile.

"Oh thank you. Please come in." She carried a tray filled with dishes inside the room and placed it on her bed. The woman noticed Sarah's work clothes she had neatly folded on the bed. She picked it up.

"I'll get these to the laundry for you." Sarah smiled gratefully. Although, she didn't like the idea of someone else doing her laundry, especially someone who would probably be the same age as her mother if she was still alive but then again, she had no choice.

"Thank you." She returned the smile and left and Sarah was alone once again.

She laid face up on the bed and stared blankly at the ceiling. She sighed.

She missed Judy and Noah already. Those two were always out for each other's blood.
She couldn't help but smile at the thought.

As if knowing she was just thinking about him, Noah texted her.

Sender: Noah
Time: 6:30pm
Hey, Mango.

She replied immediately.

Sender: Sarah
Time: 6:31pm
Hey, Egghead.

Sender: Noah
Time: 6:31pm
Didn't see you at work today.

Sender: Sarah
Time: 6:33pm
Yeah, sorry. I'm on a three-day business conference in Florida with Mr Snow.

Sender: Noah
Time: 6:34pm
Ooh, Florida. You better bring me a souvenir😑.

Sarah couldn't help but chuckle at that.

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