Get together

224 38 7

~Most times, we got more than we bargained for.~

Immediately his thumb left her cheek and he stood up, Sarah opened her eyes.

She watched his back as he got on the bed and fell asleep-she could tell by the steady rhythmic rise and fall of his chest.

She released a shaky breath. Her mind went back to when she had just woken up. She had felt a bit cold and had sneezed and that was what had woken her up.

What she'd seen had been enough to make her faint but she'd managed to stop herself from passing out.

She saw Mr Snow sitting at the tip of the bed but that wasn't what put her in a state of shock, it was the glowing red eyes she saw in the dark.

She could just see the outline of what the eyes belonged to.

"ŧɧɛ mąŞŧɛř ɧąŞ ŋɛɛɖ ơʄ ყơų." She heard its demonic voice growl.

"I don't have need of him." Her boss said. She was confused, who was this 'Master' they were talking about?

She was sensing a lot, her head felt like it would burst. It was the repulsive force of the holy spirit and its dark presence. She knew she was protected though.

The creature insulted him.

"I have no intentions of working with Lucifer." Sarah's eyes widened. Did she hear right?

Lucifer, as in the devil, Satan, Lucifer?

Throughout their entire conversation, she couldn't move or breathe too fast.

On occasion, he looked her way but she knew he couldn't see her. She was terrified and it didn't let up even when she saw it disappear into the wall, something she had only seen happen in movies.

She hid his face in his palms and then raised it minutes later. He turned to face her.

Her eyes widened, did he know she was awake?

She quickly closed her eyes. She heard him stand from the bed and walk slowly towards her with measured steps.

She heard him crouch in front of her.

She felt like her heart would break out of its confinement.
She felt him caress her cheek and then suddenly he stood up.

As she watched him fast asleep on the bed, the words just kept flashing in her mind over and over again.

"ყơųř Şơųٳ ʄơř mơřɛ ŧımɛ ŧơ Şקɛŋɖ ɯıŧɧ ყơųř ɖɛąř ŞıŞŧɛř."

"ɖơ ɯɛ ɧą۷ɛ ą ɖɛąٳ?" They shook hands.




It was the third day and the conference was over. They flew back to New York that afternoon.

Sarah had been silent throughout the flight. Even as they rode in his car- Tom was driving-she wasn't herself, her mind kept going back to the night before.

"...ყơų'řɛ ʝųŞŧ ą ɧųmąŋ. ŋơ mąŋ Ćąŋ ɠơ ąɠąıŋŞŧ ŧɧɛ mąŞŧɛř."

"And yet Jesus did." He had replied.

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