The Unexpected Betrayal

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Chapter 1

Kendall was inside the skyscraper. Those words kept going through my head. Suddenly, I started running towards the broken skyscraper to find Kendall. I heard a voice from behind me.

"Vivian, stop! It's too dangerous!" Vincent shouted. But I ignored him. I had to find Kendall. I had to help him. People crowded the area, looking for family or friends. Finally, I saw a body of a boy on the ground. Just outside the door. He had light-brown hair. It was Kendall.

"Kendall!" I screamed and ran to him. I saw cuts and bruises all over his body. I bent down to heal him, but a paramedic stopped me.

"We need to get him to the hospital." He stated. He and a few others started to lift Kendall. Panic shot through me.

"Let me heal him!" I yelled at them. They gave me incredulous looks. "Please, let me heal him!"

"Dear, there is nothing you can do for him." A paramedic said. I was about to insist I could, but Vincent started to speak.

"I'm sorry gentlemen; my friend is just upset over her boyfriend." He looked at me with sympathy. Or I should say empathy since he loved Kendall too. I stared at Kendall. He was still out cold. They put him in the ambulance. The paramedics turned their attention to us. "Are you related to the victim?" One asked.  We shook our heads. I searched Vincent's face. He looked just as scared and worried as I did.

"We'll meet you at the hospital." Vincent told the paramedic. He nodded and got inside the ambulance. They drove away. When they were gone, Vincent and I stood in silence. I noticed a tear sliding down my face and quickly wiped it away. I liked Vincent, but I didn't want to cry in front of him.

"Do you want to go to the hospital, brown eyes?" He asked me gently. I nodded and we went to Kendall's car. I realized that Kendall had the key since it was his. But it turns out Vincent had one too.

We got to the hospital.  We found out that Kendall was in bad condition, but they hadn't put him through any test yet.

"Brown eyes, I’ll distract the doctors and the nurses while you heal Kendall." Vincent instructed.

"But won't they get confused when he's all better?"

"Yes, but they haven't tested him yet. They don't know anything for sure. Just do the injuries that they won't notice." He said.  With that he went up to the doctors and nurses and started talking. I hurried into the room with Kendall inside. He was laying under the hospital sheets. I scanned his body, trying to decide what to heal without people noticing. I looked at his ribs. It felt like some were broken. I put my hand on them and watched his skin glow. I did the same with other parts of his body.

"Viv?" My head shot up from his leg, which looked sprained. Kendall was awake.  His eyes squinted into slits. He raised his hand to my face. I smiled at him. He ran his fingers over my cheek.

"I was so worried about you." I said fighting back tears. Without me realizing it, a tear rolled down my cheek. Kendall wiped it away.

"I'm okay now. All thanks to you. I barely feel pain anymore." He took my hand and my smile returned. Then I heard nurses whispering outside the door. I quickly hid in the patient closet. The nurses walked in. They noticed Kendall was awake.

"How are you feeling, Mr. Sparks?" Asked a blonde nurse.

"Not too bad." Kendall tried to sit up, but the nurses told him not to force it. They left the room. I got out of the closet and Vincent came in. So did a doctor. He saw me climbing out of the closet. "Miss Donaldson, what are you doing?" Vincent eyes followed his gaze to me.

"Brown eyes, why are you in the closet?" He asked with fake innocents. I ignored him. 

"Someone tell me what’s going on here."  The doctor demanded. I looked at Vincent. We both didn't know what to say.

"Should I call security?"

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now