Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"What do you mean she is gone?" Kendall asked.

"She's not on her room." I responded in a panicked voice. Kendall pulled out his phone and called Vincent.

"Vincent, have you seen Cynthia?" After a pause he continued to speak.

"She isn't here?" Another pause and hung up. "Vincent will be here in a second."

"Is he driving?" Kendall shook his head. A second later, Vincent came through the door. He ran at vampire speed through the house, checking every room.

"Do you know where she could be?" He asked when he stopped running.

"I think we all know where she is." We did know. She was with Henry.

Cynthia Donaldson sat on a bench in the park. She was waiting for Henry. He had called her earlier and asked to meet. A few seconds later, she saw Vivian, Vincent, and Kendall. What were they doing here? They were going to ruin everything.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Vivian asked.

"I was about to ask you the same thing." Cynthia responded. Henry was coming. She had to think fast. "Vivian, go home."

"Not without you." Vivian whimpered. Cynthia saw Henry in the distance.

"Fine, then hide." Cynthia ordered. They did as they were told, hiding behind bushes and trees. Henry sauntered up to her.

"Cynthia, it's nice to see you." He kissed her cheek. Behind the tree, Vivian made a gagging noise.

"Yes you too." She scooted over so he could sit. He smiled at her. His blonde hair hung in his eyes. They talked for a few minutes and then Henry got an idea.

"Why don't we call Vivian to join us?" He reached for her hand. She jerked away.

"I got a better idea." Cynthia grinned and waved her arm above her head. Four policemen jogged over.

"Henry Wottsman, you are under arrest for the murder of Connor Morgenson."

I watched the policemen drag Henry away and ran to my mom. She was watching them too.

"How'd you know?' I asked.

"I'm always watching, Vivian." She turned to Kendall. "Remember that." He nodded. Vincent watched them quietly. My mom's smile disappeared when a man stood behind us. It was the man from the cafe. Richard was his name. He tapped my shoulder.

"Vivian, can we talk?" He asked. I walked with him. He led me away from the others.

"My name isn't Richard. It's Neal." He confessed.

"Neal, as in Neal Bartron?" He nodded.

"I'm a fairy, just like you. And just to let you know I have the power to block powers. You and your mother can't touch me." I stared at him. Something inside me told me to get away from him. I started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm.

"You know what else?" He pushed on. "I sent those missiles and I'm the one who tried to kill your boyfriend in the skyscraper."

"I thought that was Mr. Morgenson." He shook his head. I was suddenly angry. He tried to kill my mom and my boyfriend. I tried to walk away again, but he stopped me.

"Don't tell them or Kendall won't make it out of the next skyscraper."

"Stay away from him!" I yelled. Kendall heard this and jogged to my side.

"Viv, what's wrong?" He looked from me to Neal. He knew him as Richard.

"Hello Richard." He smiled.

"Hello Kendall." He returned his smile. "I was just-"

"Leaving." I finished for him. He shrugged and sauntered away.

"What was that about?" Kendall asked when he was gone.

I looked at him. "We should stay away from him."

"Why? What's going on?" He looked at me.

"It's a secret." I turned my attention away from him. His mouth fell open. This hurt him. We didn't keep secrets from each other. "I'm sorry, Kendall."

"Are you?" He spun on his heels and went to stand with Vincent and my mom. My mom was worried.

"Vivian, I can't see your future." She said extremely scared.

"It's okay mom. It won't last long." I lied. I had no idea how long it would last, but I couldn't let her know that. She gave me the same look Kendall did. So did Vincent. Lying was really hard to do to them. I sprinted for the trees and pulled out my wings. I leaped into the air. I expected my mom or Kendall to follow me, but they didn't. Vincent, however, did.  I tried to put fly him, but he was too fast. I sighed and landed. He appeared in front of me.

"Brown eyes, what are you hiding?" Vincent asked.

"If I tell you, your life will be in danger." I said.

"I'm already dead. Your life and Ken's are the only ones that matter to me anymore." He made me look at him.

"You can't tell." I stated. He nodded and I continued. "Did you see that guy I was talking too?"

"Yes, Ken said his name was Richard."

"Well, it's not. His name is Neal Bartron, Henry's boss. He wants me like Connor wanted me." Vincent didn't look surprised just curious.

"Why can't you tell Kendall?"

"Because he'll hurt him. He's the one who sent the missiles and he's the one who burned the skyscraper. He did that to kill Kendall." I explained. Vincent was surprised this time.

"Do you have a plan?" He asked.

"Yes, we need to see someone in prison."

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now