Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Vincent Bloomingdale had Henry Wottsman pinned against a wall. He was furious at him for hurting Cynthia. He knew Henry would hurt her. He knew this relationship would end badly. Henry wiggled beneath him.

"Let me go!" He shouted. Vincent pushed against him harder.

"You hurt her!" He yelled back. Something pushed Vincent off him. No not something, but someone. This someone was Kendall Sparks. Henry jumped to his feet.

"It's nice of you to save your best friend, Kendall." Henry snarled.

"I don't need to be saved." Vincent snapped.

"Yes you do. If you hurt him, you'll hurt him in the long run." Kendall told him.

"Kendall, stay out of this and get off me." Kendall stepped back from Vincent. Vincent leaped at Henry, but Kendall stopped him.

"Let's go back to Viv's." Kendall said.

Vincent pushed Kendall away from him. Vincent's emotions were out of his control. "You go, at least you have her." Kendall looked at Vincent, who was in seemed in pain.

"What do you mean?" Kendall asked. Vincent shook his head.

"It's nothing." He lied.

"We both know that's not true." Kendall stared at Vincent.

Vincent took a deep breath." You have Vivian. The two of you will get married, have a happy life together, and die together. If I was even lucky enough to get Cynthia, I would have to watch her die. I'll have to watch brown eyes die. I'll have to watch you die." Kendall's jaw dropped. He never thought Vincent felt like this. He was always so put together, so ready for anything.

"I didn't know you felt this way." This was all Kendall could think to say. Vincent brushed off his cloths.

"Just forget it, Ken." Vincent said.

"I can't, Vincent. How long have you felt this way?" Kendall asked.

"I've felt this way since I've changed into a full vampire." Vincent admitted.

"Why didn't tell anyone?" Kendall watched Vincent closely. He was very worried about Vincent. Holding this in for 100 years must have been horrible.

"Telling someone wouldn't have helped, it would just have made people pity me."

"That's not true." Kendall argued.

"It does feel good getting it off my chest." Vincent agreed. "Let's go see brown eyes." He wanted to move on from Cynthia. He would go to her house to see Vivian and only Vivian. They looked around for Henry. He was gone.

I had finally got my mom to sleep. I was exhausted by the time I was done. I went downstairs and found Kendall and Vincent in the kitchen. They both were covered in dirt and their hair was messy.

"You two look like you were in a storm." I commented. "Why do you look like that?"

"Viv, don't be mad, but-" Kendall trailed off. They had gone after Henry.

"You went after Henry." I finished for him. I glanced at them. "Did you get in a fight? Are you hurt?"

"No one got hurt." Kendall hugged me to calm me down.

"I went after Henry. Ken saved me from making a huge mistake." Vincent admitted.

"Why would you go after him?" I asked him. He stood from his chair.

"Brown eyes, you tell me everything, so I'll do the same with you. I want to be with your mother, but we can't be together." He stared at me.

"Why can't you be together?" He told me about how he can't be with her because he didn't want to fall in love with her, just to lose her. I forgot for a second that he was a full vampire. The more people he loved, the more he'd have to watch die. I reached out and hugged him. He had to carry that for a long time. I pulled back and looked into his green eyes.

"I'm sorry about that, but you still have a lifetime with us. Plus, were supernatural so we might live longer than humans." I was trying to make him feel better.

"You're right, brown eyes. A lifetime is a long time to spend with you." He said as if I helped, but I wasn't sure if I did. Kendall rose from his chair.

"Why don't we call it a night?" He yawned. He did look tired; His blue eyes had dark circles under them. I noticed how tired I was. I gave Kendall a hug and went to bed.

I climbed out of bed Monday morning and got dressed. I walked downstairs to find Kendall in the kitchen and Vincent at the stove. He was making breakfast. I sat at the table next to Kendall. He smiled at me.

"Was my mom up this morning?" He shook his head. My mom hasn't left her room since Saturday. I was worried about her. Vincent sat a plate of food in front of me. I ate most of it, trying not to be rude.

We arrived at school and went to class. I sat by Diana and went through the rest of my classes. Kendall drove me home from school.

"You've been quiet. Are you okay?"

"I'm just worried about my mom." I confessed. "I swear if I don't see Henry again, it will be too soon." Kendall agreed to that. He drove in my driveway. I jogged to my mom's room. When I got there, I opened the door. I looked inside and gasped. I ran downstairs. "Kendall!" He bounded to the end of the stairs.

"Viv, what's wrong?"

"My mom is gone."

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now