Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Five minutes later we were in the waiting area. The doctor, whose name was Dr. Homer, told us we could stay if we waited outside the room. Vincent brought me water.

"How'd he seem when you were talking to him?"

"He said the pain wasn't bad after I healed him." I informed him.

"Let's hope it was enough to get him out of here." Vincent said. We waited for a while. Then Dr. Homer came out of the room. I stood up and rushed towards him. Vincent was right behind me.

"Is he alright?"

"Mr. Sparks’s injuries aren't as bad as we thought. He can return home tomorrow if he wishes." Dr. Homer explained. I felt relieved. He was going to be okay.

"Why don't you go home? He is sleeping now. Come back tomorrow." Dr. Homer motioned at the door.

"Call us when he wakes up." I said and we left the hospital. When we got home Vincent offered to cook me dinner. "You have to eat something."

"Sure." I replied. He walked into the kitchen and pulled out noodles for pasta.

"Can I help you?" I offered.

"Thank you, but no. I like to cook alone." After a few minutes the doorbell rang. I went to answer it. My dad stood at the doorstep.

"Vivvy, can I come in?" He asked. I stepped aside and let him in. He sat down in the kitchen.

"I know your mother is in prison." He said. Vincent walked in then. My dad's face grew angry. "I didn't know you had a vampire here."

"It's nice to see you too." Vincent sat next to him. I looked at them. Please don't fight. I begged silently.

"As I was saying," My dad continued. "Your mother is in prison and I don't want you here alone."

"I'm not alone." I said. My dad shook his head.

"You're not in good company." He glared at Vincent.

"The company I'm with is just fine." I snapped.

"Vivian, I want you to come live with me in Miami."

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now