Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"Mom, Kendall, Vincent?" I called when I got home. Neal's plan had shaking me to the core. I was done hiding from them. They came downstairs and stood in front of me. "I haven't been honest with you and I'm sorry. I wanted to protect you."

My mom stepped forward. "We already know."

"You found Gossip Girl." I was a little happy that Kendall was able to find it the way I wanted him to, but their faces were not happy.

"We know everything." Kendall stated. They actually didn't. I was about to tell them that, but my mom interrupted me.

"I can't believe you would do this to us."

"I was protecting you." I said defensively.

"You're the one that needs it." Kendall backed up my mom. "I thought you could handle it, but I guess I was wrong." Meeting Neal wasn't a smart thing to do, but I had no choice. I can defend myself. I wanted to yell, Instead I walked out the door, slamming it hard behind me. As I was walking away I heard the door open and close behind me. I turned to see Kendall running towards me. He looked worried and upset.

"Viv, I'm sorry." He said when he reached me. Finally, I couldn't hold it in any longer. I broke into tears. Kendall wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Neal said he would hurt you guys. He was the one who sent the missiles and he lit the skyscraper on fire. He wanted to kill you. He still wants to kill you and every other vampire." I pulled back and rubbed my eyes. This clearly wasn't what he expected.

"He wants you to kill all the vampires?" Kendall asked. He took one look at my face and knew the answer. He pulled me close to him.

"We have to stop him." I murmured into his chest.

"We will." He kissed my head.

A few seconds later, I whispered to him. "Kendall."

"What is it?" He sounded concerned.

"I love you." I pulled myself closer to him.

"I love you too." We went back inside. My mom and Vincent were waiting. Something told me they already knew.

"We need a plan." My mom said. Vincent nodded in agreement.

The next day, I went to school. I went through classes and everything was normal. I walked into band with my clarinet.

"Be here tonight at 6:30 for pep band." The Band director announced. "Wear your pep shirts." I forgot all about pep band. It'll be a good distraction. We pulled out our pep folders and started playing.

Kendall and I walked into my house after school. My mom and Vincent were waiting for us.

"We have a plan for tonight."

"I can't I have pep band at 6:30." They didn't seem bothered by this.

"It might be better if you weren't involved." My mom stated.

"You too, Ken." Vincent chimed in.

"Are you going to tell us what the plan is?" I asked. Their expressions went blank. I guess not.

"Let's eat dinner." My mom stood. "How about chocolate chip pancakes." I grinned and nodded.

"You okay with that?" I asked Kendall.

"Sounds good to me." He replied happily. My mom went to the kitchen and started cooking. I went upstairs to change into my pep shirt. It was blue with white letters that said. I'm a player.  I slipped it on and trotted downstairs. Kendall was on the couch and Vincent was in the kitchen. I sat down next to him. He smiled and examined my shirt.

"I hope that's for pep band." He teased. I looked down at the instruments on the front.

"What gave it away?" I asked sarcastically.

"Wild guess."  I smiled and took his hand.

"Dinner is ready." My mom called. I hurried into the kitchen.

At 6:30 I was at pep band, putting my clarinet together. Band members started crowding into the room. I smiled at Diana's friend Janine. She played the clarinet too.

"Hey Vivian." She greeted me.

"Hey, how are you?"

"Awesome. Mark Timsdale asked me to prom." she beamed excitedly.

"Isn't prom in May? Why'd he asked you so early?"

"Because we want to know who were going with to prepare. We all don't have blue-eyed boyfriends like you." She gave me a parting smile and left with her clarinet.

"Viv." A voice called. I spun around to see my blue-eyed boyfriend.

Happiness filled me. "Hi, are you here to watch the band?"

"No." He hugged me. "I'm here to watch my girlfriend." I felt a giddy feeling form in my stomach. He was here to watch me play. I grabbed my stand with my music and went to the gym. Kendall sat in the bleachers and Diana joined him.

The band director held up a card with a song name. "Crunch Time." He called. Other band members repeated his call. We played the song and I felt a bad feeling form in me. Something bad was going to happen.

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now