Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Landon Donaldson was sitting in a booth at a shabby restaurant. He was meeting the person who brought him to his sister. He was upset over Vivian. How did she get so evil? He thought. She had to be stopped before she used her powers against people. Dating a vampire, what was she thinking? This was his fault. Landon glared at the thought of Kendall. He made her evil, so did that Vincent. They were going to pay.

"Mr. Donaldson." A man brought him out of his thoughts. He was Connor Morgenson. "You have visited your sister. Will you help us now?"

"No, I will take care of her myself. I won't let you use her powers." He stated and then stood to leave. Mr. Morgenson stopped him.

"We need your assistance." He called after him.

Landon turned around. "No you need hers." With that he was gone.

When I got home Vincent and Kendall were waiting for me. Kendall hugged me. By the look on his face, I could tell I had worried him.

"I'm sorry I flew off like that." I pulled back and met his gaze.

"What were you and your brother talking about?" He asked with curiosity. I looked away. Landon had said some pretty mean things about them. I couldn't tell them that though. "Uh, just a disagreement."

"A disagreement about what?" He tried to make eye contact with me, but I stared at the wall.

"Family stuff." I lied. Vincent joined us.

"Now tell us the truth." He murmured. Darn, he's good. He could see through my lies and vampires don't even have powers.

"What do you mean?" I asked with fake innocents.

"You know exactly what I mean."

"Like my dad, Landon isn't thrilled about my vampire friends. He just decided to voice his opinion." Kendall and Vincent exchanged looks. "So what'd he say about us?" Kendall asked.

"Its better you don't know." I replied. Landon's words hurt me and I wasn't even the one he was insulting. I don't think it would roll over well with them either.

"Tell us anyway." Vincent chimed in. He looked curious. I sighed.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I searched their faces and hoped they would drop it.

"I want to know." Vincent pushed on.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I care about what your family thinks of me." He looked persistent.

"I understand my mom and I, but why my brother?" We stared at each other and I finally understood. He wants to be with my mom and wanted her family's approval.

"If you want to be with my mom, you can. You don't need Landon's approval." I smiled at him. "Besides, you already have mine."

He grinned. "Are you sure you don't have the power to read people's minds?" I laughed. Not because it was funny, but it's been so long since he's smiled.

"Wouldn't that be nice?" Kendall looked at Vincent and me.

"What'd I miss while I was gone?"

"Nothing really, brown eyes just ate a lot of chocolate chip pancakes." He joked. I punched his arm and Kendall chuckled. Next we heard a knock at the door. I answered it. Mr. Connor Morgenson stood in front of me.

"Vivian, can I come in?"

"I guess." I responded. He stepped past me and went inside. Vincent and Kendall glared at him. He looked at them. "Hello Kendall, Vincent. You look well. How has life been treating you?" I could tell he was using fake friendliness, he was a fairy and they also were against his plans.

"We were fine, and then you showed up." Vincent growled. Kendall stepped closer to me.

"Gentlemen, let's be civil here." Mr. Morgenson demanded. Kendall got into his face.

"You sent Vivian's mom to prison and you want to use Vivian for your sick plan. We will show no civility towards you."

"Also, you almost got Kendall killed." I spoke up. Kendall looked uncomfortable. He didn't like the spotlight on him. I took his hand in mine and moved closer to him.

"I apologize for Cynthia's imprisonment as for Kendall's accident I had nothing to do with that. But I'm actually here to tell were dropping the charges." He announced. He searched our faces and waited for our reaction.


"Yes, she'll be released later today." He rose from his chair. "It was nice seeing you, but I must go."

When he was gone, I called the police station to ensure my mother's return. It turns out she could come home, later in the day. I was relieved to hear this. Kendall gave at me and gave me a hug. Vincent was happy too, even though he didn't show it.

A few hours later we were at the police station, waiting for my mom to be released. When she came out she engulfed me in a huge hug. She was smiling and bursting with excitement. She hugged Kendall and then Vincent. They were just as happy as we were. We went to the car and drove home. My dad was at the door when we got there. He and my mom embraced.

"It's nice to see you home, Cynthia." My dad said.

"I'm happy to be home." She replied. We went inside and ordered pizza to celebrate. After we ate I excused myself to the restroom. On my way there I heard a voice. "Vivvy, can we talk?"

"Sure dad, what do you want to talk about?" He sighed as if he had something he needed to get off his chest.

"I'm sorry I tried to force you to move to Miami. I just didn't want you to live alone."

"I wasn't alone. I know you don't like Kendall and Vincent, but I do. They're very good friends to me and mom." I tried to reconcile.

He sighed again. "I'll never be okay with you dating a vampire, even if he's half."

"I love him, dad." I said solemnly. He made a torn face. He hated vampires, but he wanted his daughter's happiness.

"Does he love you?" He asked then shook his head. "I want to hear this from him."

"Kendall, will you come out here." I called into the kitchen. He sauntered up and took my hand.

My dad spoke to him. "Son, I want to know how you feel about my daughter." Kendall's expression didn't change.

"I love your daughter sir and I would do anything for her." I grinned giddily when my dad's face changed. He knew he was telling the truth. My dad had the power to tell if people were lying or not. I was so happy, I couldn't contain it. My dad had to except us. He just had too.

He nodded approvingly. "Then you have my blessing." I cheered and Kendall kissed me.

"You have my blessing." My dad said. "Don't push it." We pulled apart. Vincent and my mom came to see why we were so happy.

"Dad gave us his blessing." I beamed. My mom smiled at him.

"You made her so happy, Aaron." She complemented him.

"All I want is her happiness, even if it means a vampire is the one to make her happy." He looked at Kendall. "No offense."

"None taken and I promise so make your daughter happy." Kendall mused.

"I hope you do."

"Let's go somewhere to celebrate." My mom spoke in a cheery tone.

"I can't" I said. “I have homework, but you guys should go."

"Are you sure?" Kendall asked.

"Yes, I'm sure."

They left and I sat up my homework on the table. After a few minutes, I heard the doorbell. I went to get it. When I got there, Landon was on the other side.

"Vivvy, can we talk?"

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now