Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Vincent waited in his car for Kendall. Kendall and I were saying goodbye, in case my mom grounded me from him.

"We'll see each other in school." He said.

"Is that enough for you?" I asked.

"No, but I want to make this easier for you." He admitted. I sighed and hugged him. We didn't pull apart for a while. Finally, we had too. He kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled back from him. He tried to kiss me again, but I leaned backwards. "Vincent is waiting for you."

"He can wait a little longer." We kissed again for a second. I smiled at him and laid my head on his shoulder.

"You shouldn't keep him waiting." I said. He nodded.

"I'll see you in school, tomorrow." He walked to the door. I turned for the stairs. Then I felt an arm around my waist. I spun on my heels to find Kendall. I grinned and shook my head.

"Vincent is waiting for you." I repeated.

"One more minute." He hugged me and finally left. Ten minutes later, my mom came through the door. She didn't look at me. She went upstairs without a word. I slowly walked to my room. I changed my cloths and crawled into bed. My mom walked into my room. She sat on the edge of the bed.

"Vivian, we need to talk." She shook my leg.

"About what?" I asked sleepily.

"How you behaved tonight."

"I don't have anything to say." I said quickly.

"Well I do. Why did you do it?" She asked. "Is it because you don't want me to be with anyone after your father." I shook my head. I wanted her to be happy. Just not with Henry.

"I'm happy you're dating again." I replied. She exhaled and sat closer to me. She brushed the hairs out of my face.

"You don't seem that way." She said.

"I don't trust Henry." I admitted.

"Well I have a way to fix that. After school he wants to spend time with you. He'll pick you up tomorrow." She announced.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"You'll do it if you want to see Kendall." She stood and left my room.

The next morning I walked downstairs and found Kendall at the kitchen table.

"Your mom changed her mind. Isn't that great?" I could hear the excitement in his voice.

"Um, yeah. It is." I tried to sound cheerful. He caught on from my voice.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Nothing." I lied.

"Viv." He said in a stern voice.

"My mom told me I had to spend time with Henry."

"When?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"After school. He's picking me up." I picked up a cup and poured myself some juice.

He shook his head. "You don't have too."

"Yes I do, if I want to see you." I met his gaze. He looked annoyed. "Hey, let's not think about that now. We can see each other, that's the important part."

"I guess." He took my hand. "Let's go to school."

After school I said goodbye to Kendall and waited for Henry. I texted my mom to let her know I was meeting him. As I was texting, I heard footsteps. I looked up to see Henry. He smiled down at me.

"You ready to go?"

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To get you a snack." He motioned me to follow him. He led me to his van and opened the passenger door for me. I got in and pulled on the seat belt. He climbed in and started the engine. We left the parking lot. We drove down the street and Henry pulled into a small cafe. I got out of the car. So did Henry. The door on the cafe dinged as we walked in. A waitress seated us and asked for our drinks.

"How was school?" He searched my face and waited for my answer.


"What'd you do?" He tried again.

"Learn." I gave him one word answers until he said something I couldn't use just one word.

"Soon, you'll like me better than that fairy murderer."

"He is not a fairy murderer and comments like that won't make me like you." I snapped. Then a girl walked over with ketchup saturated French fries. She gave me one of those mean-girl-smiles and dropped the plate on my shirt. "Whoops." She laughed and strutted away. I started cleaning my shirt and Henry leaned closer to me.

"Make her pay for doing that to you." He whispered. "Use your mind control."  Even though it sounded like a good idea, I said no.

"Mean girls will be mean girls. I can't get revenge on all of them." He looked at me astonished. To him I had all this power to use against her, but if I did that it wouldn't make her nice, I'd just be a target.

"You wouldn't have to hurt her too badly." He protested.

"I'm not going to hurt her at all." I stood my ground. He put money on the table and stood.

"Let's just forget this. You can go hang out with your vampires and I'll tell your mom we had a good time." With that he left me to find my own way home. I walked outside and pulled out my cell phone. Dialing Kendall's number I heard it ring. Sadly, it went to voicemail. Next I tried Vincent's. To my surprise, he answered.

"Hello, brown eyes."

"Hey Vincent, will you come pick me up?" I asked.

"What happened to an afternoon with Mr. Extraordinary?"

"He kind of ditched me." I heard him say something under his breath, but I couldn't understand what it was.

"Where are you?" He asked. I told him the street and the cafe. We hung up and ten minutes later his car pulled in. He got out of the car and opened my door.

"Thank you." He nodded and got in the car. We steered out the parking lot.

"Want to surprise Ken?"

"What do you mean?" I looked at him.

"Well, your mom expects you to spend your afternoon with Mr. Spectacular, but he flaked on you. So let's go see Ken instead." He explained. I nodded and smiled.

"What happened anyway?" He asked. I told him about the girl and how Henry wanted me to use my power to control people's minds against her.

"When I refused he just left."

"I'm glad you refused." He said.

"Mr. Extraordinary isn't that great, after all, but we already knew that."

"Thank you for defending me at the restaurant, last night. No one usually does that for me." He glanced at me, and then turned at the road.

"You would have done the same for me and I care about you." I saw that look in his eyes again. The one where I knew he was hiding something. What could it be? Did it have something to do with him being a full vampire? I grinned. "Plus, his hair looked like a blonde patch of cotton candy. I thought I was helping him." Vincent laughed. He pulled into a driveway of a blue Victorian house. My stomach clenched. The smile disappeared from my face. I felt like I was intruding.

"Are you ready to go in?"

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now