Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

When I woke up, I rapidly got dresses and went downstairs. Vincent was waiting in the kitchen and he made chocolate chip pancakes. I ate and we went to the hospital. Kendall was waiting in his room. Vincent handed him a pair of clothes. He went to the bathroom and changed. Dr. Homer signed his papers and we went to the car.

When we got to my house, we made lunch and sat around the table. Kendall and I ate while Vincent read the paper.

"What’d I miss while I was gone?" Kendall asked. The room grew quiet. Vincent met my gaze.

"My dad showed up last night." Kendall watched me with curiosity.

"He knew my mom was in prison and he didn't want me to live alone." I continued.

"You're not alone. We're here with you." He took my hand. Finally, I decided to spit it out.

"My dad wants me to move to Miami with him." Kendall's jaw dropped. I didn't know what to say to him. I could tell this hurt him.

"We can always visit her." Vincent suggested.

"No one is going to visit me because I'm not going." I stood from my chair and carried my plate to the sink.

"What's your plan?" Kendall asked.

"I'm still thinking of one." I turned back to them. Vincent and Kendall exchanged glances.

"Well whatever you decide we’re right behind you." Kendall said and Vincent nodded.

"Thank you." I smiled at them. I was reaching for my water bottle, when I heard the doorbell ring. I went to answer it and expected to see my dad. My jaw dropped, this was the last person I thought I see at my door. My water bottle fell out of my hand. Kendall and Vincent came to see what was wrong.

"Vivvy." I stared at the person.


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