Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I stared at my brother for a second and then let him in. He walked into the living room and sat on the couch. A couple beats of silence went by.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you." He finally said.

"It's fine." I sat next to him. He smiled at me.

"Would you like something to drink?" He nodded and we walked to the kitchen.

Landon Donaldson stood in the kitchen with his sister, Vivian. She was grabbing him water. She had to be stopped. He thought. He couldn't let her hurt others. He couldn't let her be with vampires. She had to be taken care of and he would do it.

"Vivvy, can I have ice with that?"

"Of course." She said. When she turned away, he reached out and picked up a knife. He couldn't believe what he was about to do. He pulled the knife back and plunged it into her back. She screamed and fell to her knees. He looked at her face. She looked like she was in intense pain. Then Landon realized this isn't the monster he thought she was. She was his baby sister. He broke into tears.

"Vivvy, I'm sorry." He cried. She gave him a look that wasn't full of anger, or betrayal. She gave him a look of forgiveness. How can she forgive him after what he just did?

"Vivvy, I'm sorry." He repeated.

I felt horrible pain in my back and turned to see I had been stabbed. Landon stabbed me. Over the next few minutes his expression kept changing. As if he was evolving from a boy to a man. He looked angry, torn, confused, and finally regretful. He started crying then.

"Vivvy, I'm sorry." He sobbed. I thought I'd be mad or betrayed, but he looked as if he really meant it. I gave him of look of not anger, not betrayal, but forgiveness. He meant it, I could tell. He didn't look as if forgave himself.

"Vivvy, I'm sorry." He repeated a second time. I was about to sat it was fine, but the pain in my lower back got worse. I cried out in pain. Landon scanned my back, looking worried.

"What can I do?"

"Pull it out." I cried. "Pull the knife out." He did as he was told. He grabbed the knife. "I'm sorry, Vivvy." Then he pulled it out. He reached for a towel, but I already put on my back. He watched my skin glow and the stab mark disappeared. He wiped my back and I went to change my shirt. When I got back downstairs, Landon was still there.

"Give me the knife. I'll hide it in the forest." I directed. He handed it to me.

"Vivvy, why hide it? Why don't you tell on me? I deserve it. Heck, I deserve worse." He looked like a tortured animal.

"Because you’re my brother, Landon. I love you and I forgive you." I knew I did, but my mom, my dad, Kendall, and Vincent were going to be a lot harder to convince.

"You are going to forgive me that easily?" His voice was shrill. I nodded.

"I won't stop until I've made penance for what I did." He said in a grave.

"I've forgive you already." I replied whole heartedly.

"You may have, but I haven't even begun to forgive myself." He left. I went outside with a shovel and buried the knife. Out of sight, out of mind. Then I remembered that my mom could see the future. She probably knew all about this.

"Mom." I whispered. "Don't tell."

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now