Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Friday morning was here and I was driving to school with Kendall. He didn't seem at all worried about tonight. Maybe he had fully trusted Vincent or maybe he was really good at hiding his fears.

"So are you nervous about tonight?" I asked.

"A little, but I think Vincent has this under control." He answered, not taking his eyes off the road. We arrived at school and he dropped off at first period. The day went by fast after that. I had a boyfriend conversation with Diana, played my clarinet, and did homework as usual. Then we went home to change. I went to my room and pulled out the dress. It was so pretty with its shade of red and sparkly stars. I slipped it on and pulled out the heels. I put them on and started to put on makeup. My mom came in with a curling iron. We went through and curled my hair. She put it up, out of my face. Next I put on a necklace with matching earrings. My mom left the room to finish getting ready. I went downstairs to do another test run in the heels. I heard a knock at the door. Kendall and Vincent entered. They both looked amazing. Kendall's hair was pushed out of his face, showing of his blue eyes, and wore a dark suit with a red tie. Vincent was wearing a light suit with a dark tie.

"You guys look great." I commented on their appearance. They smiled and looked up at me, taking in my dress and hair. Kendall hugged me.

"We don't even compare to you. You looked spectacular, Viv." He kissed me. My mom came downstairs, wearing a sky-blue wrap dress with white heels.

"Mom, you look beautiful." I said. She thanked me and hurried us out the door, steering us to the car. We drove to this high-class restaurant. The bank bought out the whole place for their celebration. My mom glanced at the sky and wrinkled her nose.

"It looks like rain." She growled. Vincent gave her a small smile.

"Cynthia, we're inside." He reminded her.

"Yes, I guess that's true." She climbed out of the car with Vincent by her side. Kendall and I trailed behind them.

"Viv?" He called my name. My head shot up and I met his gaze. "If things don't work out tonight, will you be okay?"

"I'd be upset, but eventually I'd be okay." He stopped us for a second. He seemed truly worried about me.

"Do you want to just leave this to Vincent and go somewhere else?" He looked at me pleadingly. I couldn't miss tonight, not like this.

"I can't Kendall." I replied sternly. We started moving again. Cleary, that wasn't the answer he wanted. We stayed silent as we walked in. Vincent came to stand with us.

"So, the man up there will announce what Henry did when he makes his speech." He told us.

"How'd you get him to do that?" I asked.

"Just a few bills and a simple handshake." Vincent walked over to talk to a dark haired man.

"Does it bother you he used money to do this?" Kendall asked.

"A little." I shrugged. It wasn't the best thing to do, but it got the job done.

"Do you want a drink?" A waitress asked us. The tray he was holding was full of champagne. I shook my head. Kendall declined too. She went up to another couple, who gracefully accepted.

"After the speech is done," I turned to Kendall. "Can we leave?"

"Why, do you not like the party?" He asked sarcastically. I pulled him to a stop.

"What's wrong?" I asked. His eyes went to a man then back to me.

"Did you forget what today was?"

"November 1st." I replied.

"Does that mean anything to you?" He stared at my face, looking for recognition.

"Should it?" He dropped my arm and headed for the door. "Kendall, it's raining." He didn't answer me. He just went into the rain. I searched for Vincent and a memory came back to me. About a month ago, Kendall and I were at the park. We sat on the picnic blanket shortly after we said we loved each other the first time. I was eating my apple and a thought came to me.

"Kendall, do think we'll still be together in a month. I mean after all that might happen?" He stared at my face, thinking of what to say. Honestly, we had no idea how long we could last. I was a fairy and he was a half-vampire. We weren't even supposed to be together now.

He must have been thinking the same thing. "I don't know, Viv, but we should celebrate each moment while we can." I sat up when I got an idea.

"That's a great idea. About a month from now it will be 2 months since we first met. We should do something special." I said with excitement.

"We should. Okay, in a month, it will be our two month anniversary."

I came back to reality then. I can't believe I forgot that. It was my idea. I found Vincent by the gourmet table full of cakes and pastries. I hurried towards him. The heels I was wearing hurt my feet.

"Vincent." I called him. He came over to me, looking concerned.

"Brown eyes, what's wrong? Where is Ken?" I pulled off my heels and handed them to him.

"I made a mistake and I'm going after him. Can you handle things here?" He nodded and I pushed through the door. As soon as I stepped put the door, I was already soaked. I started running, hoping I could catch Kendall. After a minute I was already at the edge of the parking lot. Kendall was no were in sight. I spun around and scanned the area. I was about to pull out my wings, but I saw a figure standing about ten feet away from me. It was Kendall. I jogged over to him. He didn't know I was there.

"Kendall." I called. He turned around and I hurried towards him. "I'm sorry about forgetting about what today was. I'm sorry I was so caught up with Henry that I forgot about you. I'm just sorry about everything. I love you so much. You're my perfect half. I couldn't live without you." He wrapped his arms me and I hugged him back.

"I love you too, Viv." He replied and kissed me. I felt warmth rise in my chest. I think I could be with Kendall forever. We pulled back grinning. He looked at me the same way, like he couldn't imagine life without me.

"I guess you get your happily ever after, after all." A voice said. It was Henry.

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now