Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

An hour later, my mom and Vincent came home. My mom seemed totally and completely oblivious to what had happened. She set her purse down.

"Mom, do you have visions of Henry?" I asked.

"No, I refuse to look into his personal life." She stated.

"Aren't you curious?" She stared at me, trying to see what I was thinking about.

"A little, but people are entitled to their privacy." She answered. She was right. But then she didn't know what Henry was capable of. I looked at Kendall and he shrugged. We both knew better than to tell her. She wouldn't believe us. Vincent joined us. We wore a blank expression. My eyes darted from him to my mom. Something had happened between them. I couldn't tell what, though. My mom went upstairs to use the bathroom. Vincent turned to us.

"You've got about 5 minutes to tell me what's going on." We nodded and told him everything. He didn't seem at all surprised, just angry.

"We need to get rid of him before your mother becomes more attached." He concluded.

"How, he made me defenseless against him." Kendall pointed out.

"I could use my power against him and you two could take him out." I suggested.

"Your mother would never go for that." Vincent said.

"Plus, he has more people with him." Kendall added.

"Well, what do we do?" My mom came downstairs and interrupted anything Vincent was about to say.

"Did I miss anything?" She asked. I shook my head and went to bed.

I woke up the next morning. I showered and got dressed. Then I went downstairs. Kendall was at the kitchen table with Vincent. Kendall smiled at me. I returned his smile and sat down to eat. Vincent pushed the juice towards me. "Morning brown eyes."

I yawned. "Good morning."

"You seem tired." Kendall pointed out.

"You do to." He shrugged. We ate breakfast and went to school. Kendall walked me to my first period and hugged me goodbye. I was greeted by an overly-energetic Diana.

"Hey Vivian how's Kendall?" She asked. I smiled at her. She liked to know about my relationship.

"He's fine." She waited for me to say more. When I didn't she seemed annoyed. He green eyes locked on mine.

"Have you guys had any dates or had any romantic moments?" She pushed on.

"We have some romantic moments." I stated.

"Vivian, he's your boyfriend." She said. "Why aren't you always having romantic moments?"

"We are, we've just been distracted lately." I admitted.

She gave me a curious stare. "What's wrong?"

"My mom is dating a new guy and I think he's using her." It wasn't a lie. That was some of the problem. She nodded sympathetically.

"Do you want me to find information about him?"

"No, I don't want to give my mom another reason to think I don't want her to date again."

"Do you?" She sounded like a therapist.

I shook my head. “I do, but not Henry. I wouldn't mind if she dated Vincent."

"Vincent Bloomingdale? The guy who never ages?" I realized that Vincent didn't age and people have probably noticed.

"Yes, that's him. I guess it wouldn't she dated someone other than him."

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now