Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Mr. Morgenson walked in without being invited. He went to the living room, putting Landon and Kendall on guard. I joined them. "Mr. Morgenson, do you need something?" His face was covered in anger.

"The Donaldsons are very useful, but not one helps us. Not one!" He shouted.

"Maybe we would help you if your ideas weren't so horrible." I fired back. He scowled and turned to Kendall and Landon.

"Will you give us a minute?" They both stood there for a second. I nodded and then they went upstairs.

"What do you want?" I glowered at him.

"To try to compromise with you." He said calmly.

"Well save your breath." I raised my hand. "I will never compromise with you." He became very angry. Grabbing me by the hair, he lifted me off the ground.

"You stupid little girl. How dare you refuse me?" I tried to break free, but I couldn't. I kicked him in the shin. He dropped me on the ground.

"You little..." He called me a bad word. Next thing he did was shove me, hard. I stumbled backwards and fell, hitting my head on the table. I cried out in pain. Kendall and Landon sprinted in. My head was bleeding. Just then Vincent, my mom, and my dad stumbled in. They were startled by the crash. Kendall and Landon stood on each side of Mr. Morgenson. They picked him up and threw him out the door. My mom put a cloth to my head. Kendall came to my side. He cupped my cheek. "Are you okay?" His blue eyes were full of concern.

"I will be." I replied. Blood fell from my head and on to his hand. He stared the blood. He had tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry." He fled the room. Even Vincent was putting distance between us. Vampires drink blood, so I guess they couldn't be around it. I was about to heal my head, but my dad stopped me. "He needs to be able to be around blood, in case something happens to you and no one is around."

"We'll worry about that then." I said.

"No, we'll worry about that now." He insisted.

"Kendall!"  He walked in, but hesitated when he saw I was still bleeding.

"If you want to be with my daughter, then you have to be able to handle blood." My dad stated.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Vincent asked. He was just as worried as I was.

"Yes, he has to do this." My dad replied. Kendall slowly walked to my side. I took his hand and gave him a warm smile. After a few minutes, nothing happened.

"See, no problem." I hugged him. He stiffened and I pulled back. I had gotten blood on his shirt. Even I could smell it. I quickly put my hand on my head. My skin glowed. The wound was gone. Kendall relaxed a little. He took my hand. My dad nodded.

"Well, that worked out okay." He said.

"What if it hadn’t?" Vincent snapped. "Everyone would have been scarred."

"You doubted Kendall." My dad accused.

"No! It was just so sudden." Vincent explained.

"It was." I agreed. Vincent gave me a grateful smile for taking his side. Kendall stayed silent. His expression was blank. The room cleared and Kendall sat on the couch. I followed him. "Are you okay?"

He sighed. "I could have hurt you."

"You didn't." I pointed out.

"But I could have." He looked hurt, ashamed of himself.

"I trust you." I told him.

"You shouldn't."

"Well I do. I could hurt you, but you still trust me." His gaze met mine. I moved closer to him and put head on his shoulder. "Like Vincent said, I'm scary." He let out a small laugh. Not what I said was funny, but because we both knew it wasn't true.

"I can be very intimidating." I insisted.

"Very." He replied playfully.

"It's true."

"The way you get so excited about pancakes is terrifying." He teased. I laughed. It was nice to not have any more tension.

He smiled at me. "Do you want to watch Gossip Girl?"

"Sure. Do you like Gossip Girl?" I asked and turned on the TV.

"It's not bad." He admitted. We watched the show, finally at ease.

Connor Morgenson was sitting in his car. He had a failed his plan to get the fairy to help them. Now he called in some help. An acquaintance of his could help him see this out. And if not he could eliminate Vivian for good. His name was Henry Wottsman.

"How can I assist you, Connor?" He asked.

"I want you to help carry out some plans." A menacing smile appeared on Mr. Morgenson's face. Henry would gain their trust and bring the fairy to him. Everything was falling in place. Now they just needed time.

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now