Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Cynthia Donaldson and Vincent Bloomingdale were buzzed into the Manhattan police department. They were visiting Henry Wottsman to get answers. They were put into the same room as Vivian and Vincent were in before. Vincent recognized it. Henry stumbled in with ankle cuffs on.

"More visitors." He said with fake cheeriness.

Cynthia stood in front of him. "I want answers about Neal."

"So did Vivian." He smirked. "Why didn't she join us tonight?"

"She has a band thing." Vincent answered. The smirk disappeared from Henry's face.

"Neal will make a move tonight."

"What do you mean?" Cynthia asked.

"He'll want to hurt her in a way that she'll willingly join him. Is Kendall safe?" He almost seemed concerned. Vincent leaned forward at the mention of his best friend's name.

"Why do you care?" He snarled.

"I don't think Neal deserves Vivian's powers. If his plan works, he'll have too much power. He doesn't deserve it." He jingled his handcuffs.

"We aren't going to let him do that." Cynthia said firmly. Vincent agreed with her. They were going to protect Vivian, no matter what.

I joined Kendall and Diana in the hallway. Kendall hugged me. We pulled apart and he took my hand. Diana announced she had to go and left.

"Diana is very nice." Kendall said. I nodded and started for the concessions. I pulled out a twenty, but Kendall put his hand up.

"Let me buy you something, anything you want." Kendall smiled. He was happy I wasn't keeping secrets anymore. We both could be completely honest. He bought me a coke and popcorn. We went back to watch the game.

Cynthia Donaldson and Vincent Bloomingdale entered the Donaldson house. They had just got back from visiting Henry and didn't get much from it. Cynthia sat at the table and let out a tormented sigh. Vincent went to stand in front of her.

"Everything will be okay, Cynthia." He comforted her.

"What if it's not? What if I lose my daughter?" He held her hand.

"I love Vivian too. I'll do whatever it takes to help her." She did something he didn't think she would do. She kissed him. He pulled away, instinctively. Cynthia stared at him with confusion. She thought he wanted this. She thought he cared for her. Was she wrong?

"Cynthia, if I let myself love you, I'll be hurt in the end." She suddenly realized everything. Vincent lived forever and she didn't that had to hurt him. They couldn't be together. Cynthia was about to talk, but a vision went through her mind. She saw Vivian screaming, Kendall crying, and herself in pain. Was that what Henry was talking about? Was she going to be used against Vivian? She gasped when something else popped into her mind.


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