Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

My brother stood at the doorway. Vincent, Kendall, and I stared at him, mouths open.

"Vivvy." Landon repeated.

"Landon, come in." I stepped aside. He entered and sat at the table.

"Landon this is Vincent and Kendall. Kendall and Vincent, this is my brother Landon." I introduced them.

"It's nice to meet you." Vincent said. Kendall nodded.

"It's nice to meet you too." Landon shook their hands.

"Viv has told us a lot about you." Kendall told him.

"I have heard nothing about you." Landon responded.

"Let's hope we can change that." Vincent chimed in. Landon nodded. There was a moment of silence.

"Landon, what brings you to us?" I asked.

"I heard our mom was in prison and I wanted to see if you were okay." He explained.

"That's really nice if you."

"Vivvy, don't speak to me as if I am a stranger. I'm your brother." He stated.

"You're right." I said and hugged him. We pulled and sat back down.

"Where were you all this time?"

"Nebraska." He answered.

"There's something I want to get out into the air." Landon looked at all of us.

He continued. "I know you two are vampires and I know that you know about my family being fairies." We stared at him in shock. How did he know that? Did my dad tell him?

I was about to ask how, but Kendall spoke before I could. "You are working for the people who are after Vivian." He accused.

"Kendall!" I gave him an annoyed look.

"When I returned the files his said he was promising and your mom also said that a Donaldson was working for them. She was right; she just had the wrong Donaldson." He explained.

"Landon, is this true?" I asked astonished.

"Yes, but when I found out they were after you, I got out as fast as I could." Landon looked genuine. But I still wasn't sure. I knew who would know for sure.

"Let's go see our mom." I said. Landon clearly didn't expect this, but he agreed. So we all went to Kendall's car. I sat in the back with Landon. He didn't want to sit with vampires. No one talked the whole way.

My mom was happy to see us. She embraced Landon. I guess he's safe then. Next she did something totally unexpected, she kissed Vincent. My mouth hung open and then I smiled. They made a nice couple. Landon was not happy. He glared at our mother, fists clenched. Kendall on the other hand was just as happy for them as I was. I reached out and took his hand. Landon looked enraged, but stayed silent. My mom and Vincent pulled apart. They looked completely content. My mom threw her arms around and I started to fall backwards. We caught each other, laughing. Landon was still angry. My mom noticed his anger.

"Landon, I know this looks wrong, but let us explain." He shook his head.

"This is your business, not mine. I should go." He started to leave. Right when he was in the hallway I went after him.

"Landon, wait." I called after him. I jogged after him.

"Vivvy, it doesn't matter." He sounded defeated.

"What could you possibly say about you and mom hooking up with vampires? Do you know what that says about you?" He snapped. I tried to ignore that he more or less called us sluts.

"It's not like that!" I shouted at him.

"Oh so you're not dating a vampire?"

"I am, but it's not what you think."

"So they’re not fairy-killing vampires?" He sneered.

"No, they won't hurt us." I responded.

"Neither one of them has killed a fairy?" I stayed silent. Vincent did, but that was 100 years ago.

"That doesn't mean anything. They care about me and mom." I tried to sound strong.

"How do you feel about the blue-eyed one?" He asked in a calm voice.

"Kendall." I corrected. "I love him." My brother kicked the wall.

"How could be so stupid? He is a vampire and you're a fairy. He is obviously playing you."

"He is not!" I was screaming now. "He and Vincent are good! Why can't you believe me?"

"Because you’re wrong. Those things will kill you!" He yelled. His face was inches from mine. I was furious now.

They are not things! They wouldn't hurt us and we care about them!" I screamed this so loud, that Kendall and Vincent came to see what was wrong. Landon glared at them. He turned to me. "You're just as evil as they are." This stung me a little. I was his sister how could he say that? I ran from the prison and pulled out my wings. I heard Kendall shout my name, but I kept going. I went to a place where I could cry in private.

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now