Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Kendall and I left the gym after the game. We went to the band room to get my bag. I was about to go in, but Kendall walked ahead of me.

"I'll get it."

"Wait." He turned around. I leaned in and kissed him. He pulled back and went to fetch my bag. He let the door shut behind him. I sauntered to the drinking fountain. When I got back, Kendall was still inside. I tried to open the door to check on him, but it wouldn’t open. "Kendall!"

He hurried towards the door and tried to open it. A flashback of the skyscraper flashed in my mind. I felt dizzy. What if this was happening again? What if Kendall didn't make it out this time? I yanked on the door as hard as I could. This wasn't happening. I couldn't lose Kendall. I was so scared that I didn't realize that someone came up behind me. Kendall's blue eyes widened. I felt something cover my face. Kendall was banging on the door.

"Let her go!" He cried. "Please, let her go!" I saw that it was a rag on my mouth. I screamed and struggled under the person's grip. I tried to fight, but everything got blurry. I could barely hear Kendall's pleading cries. Everything went black.

Kendall Sparks went to get his girlfriend’s bag. When he got back the door was locked. He looked at Vivian. Her face was covered in fear. This probably reminded her of the skyscraper. He was stuck in a place he couldn't get out. He wanted to comfort her. Someone will open the door.   He wanted to tell her. Next thing Kendall saw was a dark figure behind Vivian. Kendall's eyes grew wide. The person's hand covered her mouth. Kendall started pounding on the door.

"Let her go!" He screamed. "Please, let her go!" Vivian screamed and struggled under the person's grip. She was trying to fight. But then her brown eyes started to close. Her body went limp. He watched the person pick her up.

"Stop! Please, I love her." He cried. The figure ignored him and started walking away. Kendall pounded on the door again.

"Vivian!" He yelled, using her full name. He watched helplessly as the figure carried her away.

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now