Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Um, I don't know." I stumbled. He examined my face and knew how I felt. He patted my back to calm me.

"It's okay. I'm inviting you. Ken won't mind." He reassured me. I nodded and sucked in my breath. We walked to the door and I was about to knock.

"Brown eyes, I live here too." He smiled and opened the door. "Ken, we have a visitor." Kendall came downstairs and stopped short.

"Viv." His face lit up. "I didn't expect to see you. Welcome to our house." He hugged me.

"I'll leave you two alone." Vincent started to leave.

"Thank you, Vincent." I called after him. He turned around.

"Anytime you need something, brown eyes, just call me." He left us and I turned back to Kendall. He was still smiling. I felt relieved.

"How'd you run into Vincent?" He asked. "Weren't you with Henry?" I told him the story and he shook his head. "I don't like Henry."

"Join the club." I stated.

He took my hand. "Let me give you a tour." I followed him around the Victorian. It was beautiful. We finished off with his room. It was a medium sized room with red walls and full posters of his favorite bands. One that we both liked, The Pretty Reckless.

"You have a nice room." I commented. He thanked me and we walked back downstairs. He grabbed me water and I noticed something in the table. It was a bag of blood, like the ones from the blood bank. I quickly turned my attention away from it. Kendall gave me a questioning look, but then he saw it too. He seemed slightly embarrassed.

"It's okay." I said. He grabbed it and tossed it into a cabinet.

"Sorry, I was having a snack."

"It's fine. You have to eat. I mean drink." I kissed him. Things were a little more awkward when I tasted blood in his mouth, but I pretended not to notice.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied.

He smiled. "I can cook for you."

"Can you cook?"

"We'll find out." He went to the fridge and pulled out chicken and some vegetables. I watched him prepare the food. It may have been his first time, but he was really good at it. He made an amazing dinner. After that I said goodbye to Vincent and Kendall drove me home. When we got there Henry and my mom were in the kitchen, kissing. I slammed the door behind us. They pulled apart. My mom looked mortified, but Henry smiled. As if he was winning some game. It was like all of this was a game to him.

"Vivian, Kendall I thought you were having dinner."

"We finished." Kendall said.

"We'll just go upstairs." I took Kendall's hand and he followed me to the stairs. When we got upstairs I leaned against the wall.

"I guess their serious." I pulled at a picture frame on the wall. Kendall stepped towards me and rubbed my arm.

"I'm sorry, Viv." He pulled me close to him.

"I have to figure out what he's up to." I said.

"What do you want to do?" He asked.

I took a deep breath. "I don't know." Kendall left. Henry stuck around a little while longer. His cell phone rang and he went to answer it.

"Hello?" He said into the phone.

"Yes, Connor. I'm here.”  Connor? As in Connor Morgenson? I tried to get closer to hear them better.

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now