Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Cynthia Donaldson and Henry Wottsman stood together at the bank celebration, looking for Vivian. Cynthia was very angry at them for ditching them. She thought Vivian was trying to break her and Henry up so that Cynthia could be with Vincent. Although she was attracted to Vincent, she couldn't have a future with Vincent. It's not because he was a full vampire, but because he was immortal. He would live forever and she'd die after a lifetime. She couldn't be with someone like that.

"Let's see if Vincent knows where they are." She said. Henry nodded and took her hand. He wanted to find Vivian. He knew he had gotten in her head, even without his powers. She was intimidated by him. Now, he had to figure out how to get her to Neal Bartron, his boss. He'd have to sneak it all past Cynthia, in order for this to work. They saw Vincent Bloomingdale next to the gourmet table. Even though he didn't eat, he stood there the whole time. He was avoiding Cynthia. 

"Vincent?" Cynthia called. "Have you seen Vivian and Kendall?"

He shook his head. "Are they not here?"

"No, where could they be?" Her voice was full of concern.

"They're probably out celebrating their two month anniversary. They'll be fine." Vincent said completely aloof. Cynthia stared at him for being so calm.

"What if they're hurt?" She snapped. Henry had already left them.

Vincent raised his hand. "They're both very capable of defending themselves." Cynthia rolled her eyes at him and went to her car. She closed her eyes and searched for a vision, for some sort of clue to where they were. The car door opened and closed beside her. Vincent had joined her.

"Let's go find them." Cynthia squeaked out of the parking lot.

Kendall and I had moved to the grass, soaked to the skin. We cuddled next to the tree and listened to the sounds of the night. The crickets chirped, the squirrels moved from one tree to another, and the wind blew against the branches. I laid my head against his chest and tried to stay awake. Kendall kissed the top of my head.

"I could stay like this forever." He murmured into my hair. I felt a smile spread across my face.

"Me too." I said sleepily. I fell asleep, listening to Kendall humming a song. I couldn't tell what it was.

Kendall Sparks was resting against a tree. Vivian Donaldson was asleep on his chest. He watched the starlight sky, humming an Ed Sheeran song. The breeze blew against the branched and the crickets chirped. Kendall smiled down at Vivian. He loved her so much. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have her, from her big brown eyes to her neatly painted toes. Kendall brushed her hair out of her face.

Cynthia Donaldson and Vincent Bloomingdale walked into the dew covered grass. They were still looking for Vivian and Kendall.

"Don't worry Cynthia, we'll find them." Vincent reassured her.

"Let's hope so." She replied. Vincent glanced over at her. She was out of breath.

"I could carry you and we'd get there faster. Unlike Kendall, I don't run out of breath." Cynthia was about to say no, but she was really tired.

"Okay, but only for a little while." She sighed and let him lift her off the ground. Vincent sprinted across the grass. He didn't need to catch his breath because he didn't breath. This was one of the positives of being a full vampire. Sadly, there were more negatives than positives. Vincent was painfully aware of this too. He was afraid to fall in love because he'd eventually have to watch the person die. He didn't think he could handle that. He'd have to watch Kendall, Vivian, and Cynthia die. This was his secret, he was afraid to let people in because he'd have to watch them die. This was the biggest disadvantage of being full. But he didn't like to think about that though. It was much too painful. He pushed the thoughts away. Cynthia noticed his mood change.

"Are you okay?" He nodded. This was something no one knew about and that’s how it would stay. Cynthia ran her fingers over his cheek. She loved his green eyes and his red hair. He was one of the nicest guys she'd ever met. Unlike Henry, he'd do anything for her. Vincent deserved happiness. Up ahead of them were a sleeping Vivian and a wide awake Kendall.

"Kendall." Vincent called. "Kendall William Sparks." Kendall's head shot up at his full name. Vincent rarely said his full name.

"Vincent?" Kendall called back. He picked up Vivian and walked over to them. Vivian was awake now. She looked at them.

"I'm sorry we worried you." She stated.

"It's fine." Her mother replied. A smile appeared on Vincent's face.

"Let's race." He said. Vivian leaped out of Kendall's arms and pulled put her wings.

"Yes!" She cheered. Cynthia shook her head.

"I'll just stay here." Vivian jumped in the air and took off. Vincent and Kendall followed. Vivian stayed in front of them for a minute and then Vincent out ran all of them. Kendall and Vivian struggled to keep up. Finally, Vincent arrived at the house and set Cynthia down. Vivian came next followed by Kendall. Vivian stared at Vincent in awe.

"You're really fast."

I couldn't believe how fast Vincent was. He was an amazing runner. My mom clearly thought so too because she wouldn't take her eyes off him. I smiled. Let's see Henry be that awesome. Kendall and Vincent were arguing.

"You're a full vampire, it doesn't count." Kendall insisted.

"Just keep telling yourself that, Ken." Vincent responded rolling his eyes. I watched them debate over whether it counted or not. After a while I went to bed.

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now