Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Vincent and I were buzzed into the police department's visiting room. We were waiting for Henry. Henry knew answers about Neal and we were going to get them. Henry walked in with handcuffs on his wrists. He sat down in front of us.

"It's nice to have visitors." He said.

"What's Neal up to?" I asked.

"Neal, what a mean old fellow. I bet he'll regret doing this to me." He was stalling.

I slammed my hands on the table. "Answer the question." I shouted.

"This is 3rd degree, eh? Well I plead the fifth." He smirked.

"Stop wasting our time." Vincent snapped.

"Well, hello to you too, vampire." Vincent leaned into Henry's face.

"You're going to tell us what you know." He growled. Henry looked amused.

"We'll see about that." I sighed and moved away from the table.

"Vincent, let's go. We're done here." Vincent followed me.

"Whatever you think he is going to do, he'll do the opposite." Henry admitted. He was giving in. I went back to the table.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You don't know what Neal will do." He explained. "No one ever does." He rose from his chair and called the guard. They walked out of the room. Vincent and I went to his car.

"That wasn't a complete bust." I said.

"I wish we got more out of him." Vincent pulled out of the parking lot. We drove to my house and went inside. My mom and Kendall hurried to join us. Their faces were full of concern.

"What happened?" Kendall asked. Vincent and I exchanged worried glances. We had no idea what to tell them.

"I helped brown eyes blow off some steam." Vincent lied.

"Yes, Richard made me mad. But I'm fine now." I hugged Kendall. He held me close.

"I was worried about you." He whispered.

"I'm perfectly okay." I responded. I felt guilty for lying to him. He just wanted to protect me and I wanted to protect him. Henry's words replayed in my head. You're protectiveness weakens you both.  He was right it does. That's why I lied to protect him. Neal hurt him once; he wasn't going to it again. A knock came at the door and I went to answer it. When I answered it no one was there. I glanced down and saw an envelope. V.H.D was written on it. I closed the door behind me. Everyone had gone to the kitchen. I opened the envelope.

Dear Vivian,

I didn't finish telling you my story. The company Connor owned was my enemy. They wanted you just as badly as I do. In the right hands, your powers could change everything. You could have everything you ever wanted. Sadly, if you don't meet my demands, Kendall, your mother, or Vincent will pay for it. If you don't believe me, just think of what I've done to them. I nearly killed your precious half-vampire. I left your mother's heart in pieces. And as for Vincent, it's the stronger links that can easily be destroyed. You know why? Because they have so little that makes them strong. What if I took it all away from him? Meet me after school, tomorrow, where your brother killed Connor. Come alone or Connor won't be the only one to die there. I'll be waiting.

Yours truly,

Neal Bartron

P.S. Keep this a secret or else.

I read through the letter three times. What was I going to do? How was I going to protect the people I love?

"Viv, is there something wrong?" I jumped at Kendall's voice. I carelessly shoved the note into my pocket. I pushed down my fears and forced myself to smile.

"No, everything is great." I lied. Kendall seemed to believe me or at least didn't question me. I went to the table and did my best to get through dinner.

Later on, I went to my room. Kendall and Vincent had just left. I yanked the note out of my pocket. I reread it once more and tried to find a hiding spot. Under the mattress was too obvious. In the drawer were too convenient. Then I realized where to hide. It was a place the Kendall would find easily and I wouldn't have told him. I quickly hid the letter.

I walked out of my 8th period after school and pulled out my phone and I texted Kendall. I'm doing something with Diana, after school. I'm sorry for the short notice.  I felt a guilty pang in my chest. I hated lying to Kendall. I really hoped he would find the note. My phone buzzed. It was from Kendall.

It's okay. I'll see you later. I love you.

I love you too. I wrote back. I jogged behind the school and pulled out my wings. Taking off into the air, I went to the alley. The one were Landon shot Connor Morgenson. I landed in the alley and retracted my wings. I waited for Neal and I had no idea what was coming next.

Cynthia Donaldson waited for Kendall Sparks and Vincent Bloomingdale. She knew her daughter was up to something. She could feel it. Her visions of her daughter had come to an abrupt stop. This worried Cynthia even more. She couldn't protect Vivian this way. Kendall and Vincent scuttled in, laughing at something Vincent said. When they saw Cynthia's face, they stopped laughing.

"Cynthia, what's wrong?" Kendall asked.

"I can't see Vivian's future and I think she's up to something." She stood and went to Vivian's room. Kendall and Vincent followed. Kendall felt guilty for invading his girlfriend's privacy. They arrived at the room and Cynthia started snooping.

"I don't think we should be doing this." Kendall said. Cynthia ignored him. She lifted the mattress and looked through the drawers.

"You're looking in all the wrong places. Viv would be too smart to hide them there."

"Okay where then?" Cynthia asked. Something in Kendall told him that Vivian wanted him to find something. He just didn't know where to look. Suddenly, it dawned on him. Where was the place only he would look? He walked to the book and pulled out Gossip Girl. He looked through it and a letter fell out. It had V.H.D written in it. They all gathered around to read it.

I heard something behind me and spun around. Neal Bartron stood before me. I glowered at him.

"Vivian, you look nice today." He smiled. I didn't take the bait, I was too angry.

"What do you want?" I snarled.

"Listen to my plans and I'll let you go." I could see that he had no intention to let me go, but I nodded.

"I want to use your powers to make people afraid." He pulled gum out of his pocket and offered me some. I refused.

"Keep going." He shrugged and slipped it back into his pocket.

"If I had your powers, fairies could be free to reproduce and run free. I just need one thing."

"What's that?" I asked. I tried to look bored, but I was actually curious.

"I need your help." He stated.

"Help for what?"

"To kill all vampires." I shook my head and started running. He wanted to kill Vincent and Kendall and wanted my help to do it. I leaped into the air. Neal called my name, but I kept going.

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