Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Henry stood behind us with his annoying evil grin. He closed the gap between us.

"The whole plan to out me in the speech has failed." He studied our faces, waiting for our reaction. I glowered at him. How was he always one step ahead of us? Then it dawned on me. My mom had refused to look into his life, but she still looked into mine. She had interfered with our plans because she didn't know the whole story. She thought her overly-protective daughter was trying to ruin her relationship. Henry had everything working in his favor.

"So what's next?" I asked bitterly.

He grinned again. "You will soon feel but no choice to come with me."

"That's not going to happen." I snapped. He stared at me and closed his eyed. I looked around to find Kendall wasn't beside me anymore. I turned to find him right in front of me. He was full of cuts and bruises. Almost like when the skyscraper exploded. He fell to the ground and his eyes stayed open. He looked dead. Then I realized was dead. I screamed and jumped backwards.

"What's wrong?" A voice shouted. I was too stunned to answer.

"Viv?" The voice asked even more concerned. "Vivian!" I fell back into reality. The voice wasn't just a voice, it was Kendall. He wiped my tear stained face. His face looked worried and scared. I glanced at the spot Kendall's body was at. There was nothing there. Henry stared at us, looking pleased. Fury rose inside me. He made that happen because he knew it would hurt me. I wanted to make him feel the same way. I glared at him and started to move closer. Kendall grabbed my arm.

"Don't sink to his level, Viv." He warned. Suddenly, it hit me. In the cafe, Henry asked that girl to spill her fries on me. He wanted me to hurt people. He wanted people to fear me. I told Kendall this and he looked just as angry as I did.

"We're not going to let that happen." He stated and glared at Henry.

"What if I hurt people? He hurt me with his powers, I could do the same." I said more to myself. Kendall shook his head.

"You won't. You're not like him." He rubbed my arm. "What'd he show you?"

"You dying with cuts and bruises all over you." I shivered at the memory. Kendall became very angry. He walked up to Henry and retracted his fangs.

"Stay away from Vivian and her mom." He ordered. Henry looked slightly afraid, but he knew Kendall couldn't hurt him too badly, at least. If he did he would become a full vampire and that would be Kendall's worst nightmare. Henry stood straighter.

"I'm not afraid of you, vampire. You're a half-vampire. Your heart still beats. Blood runs through your veins. I can kill you." He fired back.

"You won't." Kendall growled and turned to me. "Let's go back to the party, Viv." Kendall took my hand and we hurried back to the party. My mom was waiting for us, her arms crossed.

"Where have you been?" She demanded.

"Sorry." She examined my face and sniffed.

"Vivian. Your make up is all over your face and your curls fell out." I wiped my face and fixed my hair. I turned to Kendall for his opinion.

"Do I look any better?" He ran his hands over my face and put them on my shoulders.

"You look beautiful, no matter what." He smiled and I kissed him. Somebody cleared their throat. We pulled apart to see Henry. He gave us a sneer and sauntered away. We exchanged troubled looks. I didn't want our night to be ruined by Henry. I put on a mischievous smile and turned to Kendall. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Do you want to celebrate our two month anniversary somewhere else?" I suggested. He held out his arm and I took it.

"I would love too." He grinned and we went outside. His went to my bare feet.

"You can't walk like that." He picked me up and started running in vampire speed. The wind blew through my hair and the night breeze ran across our skin. He ran to my house and into the forest.

"How about a night swim?" I nodded and into the lake we went. The water glistened in the night. Huge grins appeared on our faces. We floated on our backs, staring at the stars.

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now