Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Later on Henry left. Thank goodness. Kendall and I were in the kitchen and my mom had disappeared. Vincent came into the house. His red hair was neatly combed and his green eyes were bright. "Hello Ken. Hello brown eyes."

"Why are you so happy?" I asked with curiosity. He grinned happily.

"I thought I could take your mom on a date."

"Really, that's so cool." I boomed. Kendall smile too, just as happy to see them together.

"Where are you taking her?" Kendall asked him.

"To dinner at a restaurant I know. Will you be okay by yourselves?" We nodded. I giggled with excitement. Vincent went to find my mom.

"I'm so happy for them." I cheered.

"Me too." Kendall agreed. "So what we do while they're gone?"

"I could cook dinner." I smiled. "Or we could order something actually editable." He chuckled. My extent of cooking didn't go too far.

"I don't mind, we can eat whatever you want." He kissed my cheek. My mom and Vincent came downstairs.

"I guess we're staying here for dinner tonight." Vincent said disappointedly. I was about to ask why, but their faces stopped me. My mom pulled out her phone.

"Actually, Henry has invited us all to dinner." I was not happy about this. "Vivian, go put on a dress." She ordered. I trudged up the stairs and went to my closet. I pulled out a purple wrap dress, a black belt, and black heals. I slipped them on. Walking to my vanity, I started applying makeup. Then I went to the hallway and found Kendall in a suit. He looked amazing. His blue eyes were sparkling.

"So I guess I should wear a purple tie." I grinned and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm one lucky guy." He deemed. I giggled at his comment.

"Not as lucky as I am." I replied. He kissed me. I felt a rush of happiness. A warm feeling rose in my chest. He pulled me closer. I loved him so much. Someone cleared their throat.

"Aren't you a little young to be kissing boys?" The person demanded. We pulled apart to see Henry right next to us. He was wearing a grey suit and his blonde hair hung in his eyes.

I was about to tell him to mind his own business, but Kendall stopped me. "Just ignore him." He whispered so low that Henry couldn't hear him. I glowered at Henry. My mom joined us. She was wearing a white strapless dress and pink heals.

"Are we ready?" She asked cheerfully. I looked around.

"Where is Vincent?" I heard footsteps behind me.

"Are we going?" He called out. I turned around to look at him. He wore a suit and a green tie that brought out his eyes. His red hair was combed back. I searched my mom's face. She knew he looked good. Kendall and I exchanged glances. We were both thinking the same thing. Henry had serious competition with Vincent.

As we started towards the door I whispered something to Kendall. "I'm team Vincent." He laughed and put his arm around me.

"I am too." He agreed. A few minutes later we arrived at a restaurant. We chose a booth to sit in. Henry said he was buying for us. My mom told him that was very generous of him and then I zoned out. I still didn't trust Henry. He made me truly uncomfortable. I still wanted to find his motives. I was so into my thoughts, I barely heard Henry call my name.

"Vivian, what do you want to drink?" He asked. The waiter was watching patiently.

"I'd like a coke." I answered. He nodded and hurried away. Kendall put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. A minute later Kendall went to the men's room and my mom went to answer her phone. I stood and stretched my legs. I stayed close to the booth to hear Vincent's and Henry's conversation.

"This was nice of you to do." Vincent told him.

"Well I like Cynthia." Henry replied. "I would apologize for stealing her from you, but I'm not sorry."

"You haven't stolen her." Vincent said defensively.

"I think so. Why would she want you? You're a vampire who has killed her kind. Also you're not Mr. Popularity. All of your friends younger are than you. You have no chance with her." Henry sneered. I was angry now. He can't speak to Vincent that way.

"That was rood." Vincent stated.

"It slipped." He responded, but his face said he clearly meant it. He wanted to hurt Vincent. I saw the waiter with some drinks.

"Are those ours?" He nodded and I grabbed my coke. I waked back to the table, drink in hand. Henry grinned at me. Vincent looked wounded. I sauntered up to Henry and poured my drink on him. His jaw dropped. Vincent seemed just as shocked. I smiled at him. "It slipped." Kendall came to my side. He face told me that he'd seen everything.

"Look, you didn't hear what he said to Vincent."

"Yes I did. I would have done the same thing." He stated and squeezed my hand. My mom started towards us. She stopped short at the sight of Henry.

"What's going on here?" She clenched her fists.

"Your daughter dumped her drink on me." Henry raised his hands angrily.

My mom turned to me. "Vivian Hope Donaldson is this true?"

"Yes, but-" She interrupted me.

"This is so irresponsible. I can't believe you would do such a thing." She scolded me. I was about to defend myself, but Vincent did for me.

"She did it for me, Cynthia. If anyone is to blame it's me."

"Vincent, don't stick up for her." She shouted. She turned back to me. “You can't see Kendall for two weeks."

"Mom, please let me explain." I begged.

"What? You accidently spilled you soda on my dates head." The room fell silent. Vincent put on a blank expression. Henry smiled and Kendall's mouth hung open. I froze. Somehow Henry planned this. My mom noticed everyone’s reactions. "We'll talk about this later."

"I'm just going to go home." I said defeated.

"I'll drive you home." Vincent offered.

"I'll join you." Kendall chimed in. The three of us went to Vincent's car. Vincent pulled out of the parking lot.

"I'm sorry, Vincent." He looked at me in the rear-view mirror.

"It's not your fault brown eyes." He responded.

"Yes it is. If I hadn't dumped my drink on him, my mom wouldn't be mad." I felt horrible. Vincent liked my mom so much and I had blown his chances.

"It's not your fault." He repeated. "We just weren't meant to be." I saw a something in his eyes. Something that told me that he knew they couldn't be together, but for a completely different reason. A reason I probably never know. Vincent wasn't the kind to open his heart. A part of me thought Kendall didn't even know. I saw something else on his face. A teardrop? He wiped his face before I could know for sure.

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now