Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

My mom came home from a night at Henry's. She went to her room to unpack her bag. I sighed and took a sip of water.

"How can somebody sit there and tell a person they love them, even if they don't?"

"Somebody meaning Henry." Kendall concluded. I nodded. "Viv, we'll figure out a way to stop him."

"I know. I really hope Vincent found something." I said.

"Me too."

30 minutes later, my mom entered the room.

"Vivian, let's buy you dress for next Friday." She boomed. I reluctantly stood and turned to Kendall. He was chugging his water.

"Will you come too?" I asked. He thought for a second and nodded. We went to the car and drove to a small boutique. A saleswoman steered us to the dressing room with an armful of dresses. The first was a blue one with long sleeves. My mom said she liked it, but I shook my head.

"I don't really like it." She shrugged and handed me the next one. We disagreed on the next few dresses until one caught my eye. It was a red strapless dress with stars on it. I instantly fell in love with it. I hurried to the dressing room and slipped it on. I walked out and showed my mom. My mom looked pleased.

"Vivian, I love it. If you don't get it, I'll get it for myself." She smiled. I turned to Kendall for his opinion. He was texting on her phone.

"Kendall, what do you think?" I asked. He put his phone away and looked up. He grinned at me.

"You'll be the most beautiful girl there, Viv." The saleswoman came back with a pair of red heels. I put them on and walked around. They were higher than the ones I usually wore. I had trouble walking in them. Kendall noticed this and assisted me.

"You can lean on me." He offered giving me his hand. The top of my head reached his eyes when I stood up straight.

"Walk towards me." He directed. I did as I was told. I finally got the hang of it and could walk on my own.

"Thank you." I said to Kendall. He nodded and my mom told us we should go. I took off the dress and the shoes. Next Friday is when the bank had the celebration was. What if Vincent couldn't dig anything up by then? What if Henry did something before then? I was so busy worrying, that I didn't notice the saleswoman was talking to me. 

"Ma'am we need the dressing room." I quickly grabbed my things and scuttled away. Kendall and my mom were waiting for me outside the dressing area.

"Sorry I took so long."

"It's fine." My mom scooped up the dress from me and went to pay for it.

When we got home, I put the dress in my closet and joined Kendall and my mom downstairs. They were chowing down on pizza. Vincent came through the door. "Hello everyone."

I smiled at him. "Hello." Kendall greeted him too, but my mom stayed silent. Vincent sat down. I noticed he had file in his hand. My face brightened. Finally, we could do something productive. My mom finished her pizza and excused herself. When she was gone, I almost leaped at Vincent.

"Is that file about Henry?" I asked. I was inches away from him.

He put his hands up. "Easy brown eyes, it's not going to run away from us." I looked around and realized I was really close to him. I hung my head.

"Sorry Vincent." I moved away from him. He laid the file on the coffee table.

"It's quite alright." He opened the file. "Anyway, I found out Henry's secret. In order to get the job he has, he dated the old manager and they got married. When he got her job, he divorced her."

"That's horrible." I said. Kendall nodded in agreement. "But how does that help us?"

"Well if we reveal how he got the job, then he'll be removed from it." Vincent explained.

"How do we reveal it?" Kendall asked.

"A man will be presenting a speech. I'll pay him to announce it." Vincent closed the file. We sat there and discussed our plan. It'd be a long time until Friday.

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now