Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

After Henry left the room, Kendall and Vincent started planning how to stop him. I watched them struggle to come up with ideas. Then one came to me.

"I have an idea." I announced. "Next week is the celebration. What if we found a secret of his and exposed it at the party." Vincent nodded at this.

"If it's bad enough, he'll get fired and Cynthia will break up with him." He concluded.

"Yes, but we don't know anything about his past." Kendall pointed out.

"Leave that to me." He turned to me and smiled. "Tell your mom I had to go." He waved goodbye and left. I looked at Kendall.

"What should we do?"

"Wait until he finds something." He responded. We heard a knock at the door and Landon and my dad entered. I hurried to Landon and gave him a huge hug.

"I'm going to miss you." I whispered.

"I'll miss you too, Vivvy." He replied. He said goodbye to my mom and nodded at Kendall, reminding him of his promise to protect me. Landon and my dad left. They said Landon's flight left at 8 o'clock. My dad would return tomorrow to check on us. We stood there in silence. My mom wiped tears from her eyes. I fought some back. There was no way I was crying in front of Henry. My mom left the room and Henry followed. Kendall gave me a small hug. I hoped Landon would be alright.

The next day, I got through school and rushed home. My dad was there, like he said he would be. The same thing happened the next day and the day after that. Finally, he said he had some big news for us. Kendall and I sat on one side of the table. My mom and my dad were on the other side.

"My fiancé and her daughter want to meet you. They'll be flying in tomorrow."  So much had happened that I forgot that my dad was getting married. He told us before he left last time. When we accused him of working with the people that wanted to hurt us.

"That's nice." My mom said. "How long are Valerie and her daughter staying?"

"Skylar is her daughter's name and we haven't decided yet." My mom nodded. My dad scanned my face. "Vivvy, how do you feel about this?"

"I think its good that were going to meet each other and I'm happy you're getting married." I responded. He smiled at this.

"I'm happy you're okay with this."

"Well if you're happy that's what counts." I felt my mom's eyes brand themselves into me. I pretended not to notice.

"Kendall, would you join us tomorrow? I would like them to meet the guy my daughter claims to love so much."

"Yes, that'd be nice." Kendall replied. My dad rose from his chair.

"I've got planning to do. I'll see you tomorrow." He hurried out the door.

"I'm going to see Henry." My mom scuttled out too. Kendall took my hand.

"Are you excited to meet your step-family-to-be?" He asked.

"What if they don't like me?" He shook his head.

"They'll love you, trust me." He kissed my cheek. "C'mon, let's watch Gossip Girl." I felt my fears subside.

I came home from school the next day with Kendall. It was Friday and we'd meet Valerie and Skylar. We entered my house to find two blonde women at the table. Their dark blue eyes were almost as dazzling as Kendall's. There was a boy at the table. I assumed that he was Skylar's boyfriend. They stared at us as we walked in. My dad bolted to introduce us.

"Kendall, Vivian, this is Skylar, Valerie, and Jerry. This is my daughter Vivian and her boyfriend, Kendall." He was out of breath by the time he was done. Valerie stood and so did Skylar and Jerry.

"It's nice to meet you." I said and shook their hands. Kendall did the same.

"Likewise." Valerie replied with a smile. Jerry examined me up and down.

"H-hi." He stammered.

"Hello." I smiled at him.

"I'm Skylar's friend." I nodded. So I guess they’re not dating. Skylar hugged me.

"I can't wait to get to know you." She beamed.

"You too." I said. She smiled at me and tossed her hair over her shoulder. My dad and Valerie went to the kitchen and the smile left Skylar's face.

"Just because their getting married, doesn't mean we're sisters." Kendall and I exchanged confused looks. My dad and Valerie joined us again.

"Why don't we all go to dinner? My treat." My dad offered. We went to a restaurant and sat down at a big booth. Kendall sat next to me and Jerry sat on my other side. His grey eyes scanned the room. He regarded me coolly. I gave him a small smile. A waiter came to get our drinks. Kendall leaned over and whispered to something to me.

"Hopefully, yours will make it to your stomach, this time." I chuckled. He was referring to when I dumped my drink on Henry. I reached out and took his hand. I ordered a sprite, my dad, Kendall, and Jerry ordered coffee, and Skylar and her mom ordered water. They were on a special diet and didn't drink soda. My dad and Valerie were talking too vigorously to notice us. Jerry looked at the table, clearly wanting to say something.

"So, tell us about yourselves." He finally said. Kendall and I exchanged looks.

"How long have you been dating?" Skylar chimed in.

"A while." Kendall answered.

"Are you happy?"

"Of course." I replied.

"More than happy." Kendall agreed. He put his arm around me.

"That's good." Skylar said, looking totally bored. Jerry seemed disappointed.

"You're a nice couple." He complemented us. Kendall smiled at him and thanked him. We stayed quiet the rest of the meal.

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now