Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Kendall came to my side and put his arm around me. I leaned against him. A few minutes passed and we went to the couch to lie down. I was so tired after everything that happened. Kendall looked just as tired. Before I knew it I was asleep.

Cynthia Donaldson and Vincent Bloomingdale were driving to a shop Vincent knew to get the supplies for Landon, Cynthia's son. Aaron planned to send him to another country, so they could figure out how to save him. Landon had killed Connor Morgenson. It wouldn't take long before the police got involved.

"Thank you for helping." Cynthia broke the silence. Things had been awkward between them ever since Cynthia dropped Vincent for Henry. This really hurt Vincent, since he liked Cynthia. Sadly, he couldn't be with her anyway.

"I'd do anything for Vivian. She's a caring and brave girl." Vincent said, even though he'd do anything for Cynthia too.

"She is." Cynthia agreed. "I'm glad she has you and Kendall."

"She'll always have us. She'd never throw us away for somebody new." He said bitterly.

"Is this about Henry? Because I like him and there is nothing you can do about that." She snapped back.

""It doesn't matter to me." He lied. It more than just mattered to him, but he couldn't let her know that,

"Why do you hang around then?" She asked. She knew it was mean to ask. She still liked him too.

"For Vivian and Kendall. Those two mean the world to me." Vincent replied.

"They mean the world to me too." She said. They looked at each other.

 Finally, they agreed on something.

Landon Donaldson and Aaron Donaldson walked into Aaron's apartment, to get Landon's things. He was leaving tomorrow for France. Aaron had told Vivian that earlier, but what she didn't know was that he was putting Landon in a mental institution. Aaron thought he was unstable and wanted to help him. He stabbed his sister and he killed a man. Aaron had so send his son to an institution and fast.

"Dad, can I say goodbye to Vivvy before I leave?" Landon asked.

"Of course, just don't mention the mental hospital to your sister." Landon nodded and grabbed another suitcase. "Son, go to sleep. You can pack in the morning."

"Okay, see you in the morning." Landon went upstairs to sleep. Aaron took out the brochure and examined it. Then he slipped it into the suitcase. Landon would be there within two days.

Kendall Sparks woke up on his girlfriend's, Vivian Donaldson's, couch. Vivian was asleep on top of him. Her breathing was slow. Her face was content. Kendall watched her breath in and out. Then, he heard a knock at the door. He gently lifted her off him and went to answer it. It was Henry Wottsman. He was wearing a black shirt and dress pants. His blonde hair hung in his hazel eyes.

"Is Cynthia here?" He asked Kendall.

"No, I'm sorry." Kendall replied.

Kendall was about to close the door, but Henry pushed it open and walked in. His eyed fell on a sleeping Vivian. He sauntered up to her and brushed her hair out of her eyes. Kendall inserted himself between them. He wasn't going to let him hurt her.

"You should go, Henry." Kendall stated.

"Nonsense Kendall, I just got here." He refused. "Maybe we should wake Vivian?"

"No." Kendall said. "She's tired. Let her sleep."

"Oh, what a shame."

"Why don't you drop the act and tell me what you're really doing here." Kendall snapped.

"Alright, my boss wants Vivian because of her powers. Connor Morgenson was in the way and if Landon hadn't killed him, we would have." Henry admitted. Kendall watched him closely, trying to decide whether to believe him or not.

"What's your boss’s name?" Kendall asked.

"Neal Bartron." Henry replied.

"Neal Bartron." Kendall repeated.

"Yes, he wants me to bring him Vivian or destroy her, so no one else can have her." He explained.

"Why are you telling me this?"

“A way to make her go to him is to make her despondent. And killing you just might do that."  Henry stepped towards Kendall. He made him see blackness. As if he was blind. If he couldn't see, the he couldn't fight back.

"Are you doing this?" Kendall asked. He sounded scared. He knew he couldn't defend himself. "Stop it." Henry smiled and hit Kendall hard enough to make him stumble backwards. Suddenly, Vivian leaped off the couch and punched Henry in the face. He fell to the ground. His grip on Kendall's mind was lost.

I heard Henry hit Kendall and leaped off the couch. I punched him in the face. He fell to the ground. Kendall sprang forward and pushed me behind him. He had his vision back. Henry stood up, enraged. He pushed forward, so did Kendall. He tried to punch Kendall, but he blocked it. Kendall was too fast for him. Finally, after a few more failed attempts to hit Kendall, Henry ran out of the house. He knocked over a vase as he did.

"Are you okay?" I asked Kendall when he was gone.

"Yea, thanks for saving me." He took my hand.

"I heard him say he was going to kill you." I moved closer to him.

"Well I'm okay, thanks to you." He kissed me. I pushed myself closer to him, wrapping my hands around his neck. I pulled back with a grin. Then I realized something and the smile left my face. Kendall looked concerned.

"What's wrong?"

"What are we going to tell my mom?"

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