Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

After we watched Gossip Girl, we went to the kitchen for a snack. Vincent and my mom joined us. I smiled at them. "How's it going?"

"Great. Your brother is with your father." My mom said. I nodded. She grinned. "I also got a promotion at work. I'll be an assistant banker to the manager."

"That’s amazing." I congratulated her. Vincent and Kendall agreed. I gave her a hug. I was really happy for her. Boyfriend and a promotion, she deserved this after all she's been through. She finished explaining the details of her new job. We went our separate ways. I crawled into bed and enjoyed things being normal again.

When I got home from school with Kendall, My mom was in the kitchen with a man. He had blonde and grey. "Vivian, Kendall this is Wottsman. Mr. Wottsman this is my daughter, Vivian, and her boyfriend, Kendall." My mom introduced.

"Hello Mr. Wottsman." I greeted him.

"Please, call me Henry." He said. I shook his hand and then shook Kendall's.

"Nice to meet you, Henry." Kendall gave him a smile.

"You too, Kendall."

"I should let you know, I'm a fairy." He announced. I actually wasn't that surprised to hear this.

"What's your power?" I asked.

"Your mom tells me, we have the same power. I can control the mind." He stared at me. I saw the world spin around me. I was getting really dizzy; I decided to do the same to him. Next thing I knew, we were having a mind control war. He was winning. I finally had enough and wanted to end it. I put the image in his head of voices and screams, terrifying voices and screams. He yelped and stopped my head from spinning. I sprawled onto the floor. Kendall came to my side. His expression was confusion and worry. Henry was gripping the wall; I was still playing the voices. I abruptly stopped them. He leaned against the wall. A few minutes later, we both had calmed down. Henry stood and walked towards me.

"You have an amazing power. Use it wisely." He took a deep breath. "And this isn't the only one you have." He stated.

"The others aren't at all harmful. One is healing and the other is super-speed. She can't hurt anyone." My mom spoke defensively.

"She wouldn't hurt anyone." Kendall chimed in.

"I never said she would. She just has the power to." He looked at me and brushed a strand of hair out of my face. I pulled back from him. My mom smiled at him. "Why don't we talk tomorrow at work?"

"Definitely, I enjoy having you as my assistant." He replied. His hand brushed her cheek. She didn't pull back. I stepped in to stop her from making a mistake.

"Henry, it's been nice meeting you, but you should now." I didn't even try to be friendly. He and my mom had sparks, but she had Vincent. Henry could lead her into a bad situation. I felt as if I had to step in.

"I actually planned to stay longer." He gave me a look that might have seemed friendly, but to me it seemed like a threat. Stay out of my way. His look said. I got in his face. He wasn't to get with my mother. He'd have to go through me.

"Plans change." I snapped. Kendall gave me a confused stare. He took my hand and led me out of the room.

"We'll be right back." He said. We went upstairs.

"Why are you being so rood to him?" He asked.

"He wants to date my mom and she's with Vincent." I explained.

"That's not your call to make." He tried to meet my gaze, but I wouldn't meet his eyes. He lifted my chin so he could look in my eyes. "Someone needs to protect her from him." I protested.

"She can protect herself. That's not your job." He was trying to be reasonable. I shook my head.

"She'd do the same if our positions were reversed." I pointed out.

"Tell you what, if you be nice now, we'll figure out his true intentions later." 

He gave me a sweet smile.

"Okay, but I don't like it."

"You don't have too." He kissed me and we went back downstairs. Henry was still there. I sighed and mustered the best fake smile I could. I was going to find out his plans and save my mom from him. I didn't know how, but I vowed I would.  For my mom's sake.

The Unexpected Betrayal (Sequel to The Perfect Half)Where stories live. Discover now