No camz?(Intro)

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it was June 28th 2008 and the last day of school were best friends Camila and Lauren were just leaving after the bell.

Once they got home to Laurens house they ran to her room and blasted music dancing around like idiots.

Lauren jump to her bed puffed were she was squashed by Camila landing on top of her "Camzzzz"she breath out "sorry lo"Camila giggled

"I can't believe we startehigh school in September"Lauren told Camila "yeah ino it'll be real scary what if we aren't in the same classes and we arnt friends no more?"Camila admitted sadly

"Hey!don't say that we are besties for lifies camz and I rather be lonely than be friends with someone that's not you!"Lauren admitted "really lo you meat that?"Camila asked her bestfriend grinning.

"Of course I do and you no I don't lie"Lauren smiled widely Camila jumped on her hugging her tightly but Lauren didn't complains because what neither of them knew is that both of them loved each other more than friends but were to young to know what the feelings were.

Ever since lauren moved in across from Camila they have been best friends since they were 4.

"Camila?" Laurens mom shouted up to the two girls "your mom called she wants you home sweetie" she added

Camila pouted "see you soon lo"she hugged Lauren "bye camz" and Camila made her way down the stairs said goodbye to Laurens mom and crossed the road to go home.

Once home Camila spotted her mom "hey mami"Camila grinned "hi honey iv got some news"her mum slightly smiled. "Ohhh what is it"Camila asked rather excited "we're moving to new Zealand"she smiled happily but Camila wasn't.

Camila just stared in shock moving? Camila couldn't move what about Lauren school everything but the only thing going there camilas mind was Lauren...

A few hours of crying in her room and refusing dinner Camila made her way across the street to laurens house as soon as she knocked on the door Laurens mom stood there with a sympathetic smile.

"I heard the news I thought I'd let you tell Lauren" she slightly smiled all Camila could do is nod and then she made her way up the stairs to her best friends room. She opened the door without knocking like usual.

"Hey camz what's up "Lauren asked slightly looking up from the television in front of her but as soon as she heard the other brunette sniffle her head snapped round and she jumped up.

"Hey what's wrong"she rapped her arms around Camila "lolo I'm moving"she cried harder into Laurens chest "what's wrong with that a new house will be nice" Lauren chuckled slightly.

"No lo I'm moving to new zealand"Camila cried and all signs of laughter dropped fast Lauren was lost for words no Camila?what she couldn't live without her "why?"is all Lauren could say.

"My mum got transfered lo I don't want to leave you"she cried "well no matter what you will have to go but we will all ways be besties for lifies we can stay in contact I'll always love you camz"the taller brunette kissed the smaller girls forehead "I'll always love you Lauren"Camila sighed.

6 1/2 months later

But after a few months of emailing letters and texts the two girls lost contact but each are still very in love with each other.
4 years later

After 4 Years the two girls are now sixteen and both in highschool.

Lauren is now very popular she is a closeted gay but has a boyfriend she is seen as one of the bullies in her school and people know not to mess with her.

While camila is an openly lesbian and is very quite but confident and brave her mom yet again gets transfered back to Miami where she will be attending the same high school as Lauren ..

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