Im hopelessly in love with you(chapter27)

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"Lauren what's wrong?"i asked desperate for an answer she looked at me, "last night you told me something"she whispered. my eyes widened "what,what did I say?"i stuttered she shook her head.

"I want to hear you say it"she told me looking across the garden, "I can't remember lo"i mumbled she turned towards me quickly "I'm getting these feelings I don't want to have I want to make them stop Camila tell me what you told me!"she demanded,

I looked wide eyed Iv no idea, "explain some of the things which happened last night so I can try"i whispered,she sighed.

"You phoned me drunk crying, so I decided to come get you some Scottish prick was hitting on you, you had an argument with perrie before storming outside I took you to the car,and you felt tired and fucked up"she told me chuckling abit.

I tried to think of what I could of said to upset her, I tried to remember every thing then all in one go it came back finding perrie and jade in the alleyway, staring at the bathroom door, the car ride.

I froze I told her two things that she hasn't mentioned. I looked up at her she was still gazing at me from beside me,

"I remember"i whisper "tell me then"she hesitated "I don't know which you want me to say"i told her honestly.

She looked at me warily "Camila I know what you said was a very deep thought that only came out because you were drunk but never and I mean never deal with that without telling me if you need someone let me be there okay never feel the need to end your life never feel that you should you are loved okay your special in your own dorky way camz. Please talk to me whenever you feel like that"she begged I looked at her wide eyed my eyes watering

"Lo"i was shocked she wrapped her arms around me pulling me closer "thank you,"i mumbled, she pulled back abruptly.

Looking at me carefully "you said something else can you remember?"she asked I nodded slowly,

She took a deep breath "is it true?"she asked in debated telling her or not, I just thought this is it now or never, I nodded again she let the breath go which ended up to be a sob.

She stood up abruptly rubbing her face with her hands "I'm getting all these feelings Camila and I really want them to go away I'm not gay youv only been back a month I cannot feel the same under a month!"she told me but it sounded as if she was talking to herself.

She quickly turned to me looking down still standing,

"I don't know what to do"she sobbed "Lo"i tried but she interrupted me "you fell asleep as soon as you said it I tried to wake you to talk but you wouldn't wake I just put you to bed when I went to bed I couldn't sleep thoughts emotions all built up I didn't sleep at all"she told me pacing up and down.

I stood up and took her in my embrace "it's okay lo to feel like that"i whispered which made her cry more onto my shoulder, "camz?she spoke "yea?i mumbled "will you say it,please"she whispered.

I took a deep breathe 'now or never'kept running threw my head "I love you lauren"i whispered , she pulled away looking at me tears streaming down her cheeks, next thing I new her lips were on mine.

It took me by surprise at first but then I eased into her kissing back, my hands went up to her hair easing their way in, as one of her hands rested on my hip as the other caressed my cheek.

She pulled away wide eyed she looked anywhere but me which made my chest inflate "lauren"i croaked she turned to look at me still caressing my cheek "I love you to camz" She told me connecting our eyes, without letting me think about her words she crashed her lips onto mine again quickly,

After that she took my hand and lead me inside as the clouds started to get grey. we stood in the kitchen at separate in comfortable silence.

"So what now?"i questioned and she raised her head to meet my gaze and sighed "camz Iv been picking on people for being gay for years knowing I was"she told me honestly.

"Iv been feeling this ever since I walked in on you and perrie the jealousy was such a weird feeling to me"she told me, "Iv accepted myself and Iv accepted that I'm hopelessly in love with you"she stopped my heart warned butterfly's erupted in my belly I couldn't help smile slightly.

"It's just the people in school out in the world not a lot of people support it"she told me meeting my gaze "I thought you ran that school!"i asked she laughed.

"Your right"she smirked "guess they'll just have to get used to it then" I said feeling bold stepping forward she smiled catching my gaze and walked towards me settling her hands on my hips "I guess they'll have to"she whispered into my head. hosting me up onto the counter standing into between my legs.

She leaned towards me and I leaned forward only for her to pull back I pouted slightly making her smirk "say it again"she asked her eyes sparkling "say what jauregui?"i questioned playfully she raised her eyebrow about to stand up, only for me to put my arms around her neck.

"I love you"I told her and she smiled bigger than I'd seen since before New Zealand, she leaned forward again reaching My lips, "I love you cabello"she whispered her breath tickling my lips before smashing her own into mine.

I few minutes later the doorbell went and I pulled "leave it"she mumbled capturing my lips again to be interrupted by another door bell I pulled away and she let out I real loud groan of annoyance i had to laugh hopping of the counter following her to the door.

"What?"she snapped opening the door "lo"i scowled looking out the door to find perrie "can we talk"she questioned "it's only been"i stopped to look at the clock shit me and Lauren have been talking and making out longer than I thought,

"Never mind"i mumbled "can we?"she questioned I nodded "camz"lauren frowned "only to talk"i told her and perrie which both girls nodded.

"I'll be there in sec"i told perrie "I'll be in the car"she told me as Lauren shut the door, "care to share?"lauren asked irritated "im only going to make peace we went out for what a week I want to ask to just be friends okay?"i questioned she nodded "okay"she told me and with a peck on the lips I went out and go into perries car.

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