Hangover(chapter 26)

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I woke up the next morning and felt like someone was hitting my head with a hammer from the inside. I cringed as I felt like I was going to vomit.

Jumping up and running into the bathroom being sick into the toilet I felt awful.

Getting back into bed I just groaned no way am I getting up today.

A few minutes later Lauren walked into the bedroom "I brought you some advil"she told me smiling I just groaned "first hangovers the worst"she laughed.

"How did I even get home last night?"I asked her and her smile dropped "you can't remember last night?"she mumbled avoiding eye contact,

I frowned "what did I do?"i asked carefully she parted her mouth about to say something but shook her head "it wasn't you"she told me.

"What happened then?"i asked she frowned "have you cheeked your phone?"she asked I shook my head no "look at it"she told me.

I lifted my phone which had been lying on my pillow.

23 missed called 18 unread messages my eyes widened,

All the calls were from Lauren jade and ally,

I looked threw my messages,

From pez😘

Please babe talk to me xx

From pez😘

Camila I'm so sorry pleaee xx

From pez😘

If you don't answer my texts or calls I'm coming over xx

From jade

Mila I'm so sorry x

I frowned and looked up to Lauren who was watching me,

"Why are Lauren and jade sorry?"i asked looking back down at my phone. my phone started to buzz it was neither it was ally.

I answered and put the phone to my ear

"MILA"she screamed I groaned "ally to loud"i told her "sorry"she spoke quieter

"I thought something happened we all did mila why haven't you been answering"she scowled "sorry Iv been dealing with this hangover plus my phone was on silent"i apologised

"Mila perrie and jade are on there way"she told me quieter than before. I frowned and looked up to Lauren who was staring at the wall in deep thought. "why?"i asked

"Why what?" ally questioned "why are they coming why are they sorry?"i asked ally, Lauren was still in deep thought she looked awful as if she'd hadn't slept.

"You can't remember mila?"ally asked into the phone "no what happened?"i questioned.

"Camila you found perrie and jade making out at the club last night"she told me sadness in her voice "what!" I shouted giving my self a headache and snapping Lauren out of her thought as she looked at me wide eyed.

"She cheated on me?"i asked looked straight at Lauren but ally answered "yeah mila I'm so sorry"she told me. I felt my chest inflate "okay I'll talk to you late ally"i told her "okay bye mila" and I hung up.

"Why didn't you tell me"i whispered to Lauren she looked at me "it wasn't my place camz"she told me my eyes started to water.

"Why did she cheat on me? with my friend her fucking ex what the hell"i I lay down looking towards the door and felt Lauren lay behind me pulling me closer by wrapping her arm around my stomach. nuzzling her head into my neck.

"I don't know camz but you deserve so much more than getting cheated on"she whispered her breath tickling my neck, I closed my eyes in contentment only for them to snap open at the doorbell.

"I'll tell them to leave if you like?"she questioned sitting up kissing my forehead. I shook my head "it's fine" I whispered and she let me go I stood up to find myself in sweats and a sweater,

I turned to lauren and raised my eyebrows "you changed me?"i croaked she nodded "so you seen um"i tried but failed and she nodded again "the scars on your thighs it's okay it's me camz"she told me and I nodded and headed Down stairs.

Knowingly I pulled the sleeves of the sweater down and answered the door which appeared jade and perrie who looked shock to see me.

"What?"i snapped "babe"perrie started but I interrupted "babe?really perrie?"i narrowed my eyes she broke eye contact.

"Camila we are so sorry"jade spoke and I closed my eyes tightly as tears started to fall "mila don't cry"i heard perrie say which made me cry more "why would you do that perrie?"i raised my voice.opening my eyes,

"I'm sorry"she whispered I turned to jade "your supposed to be my friend"i sighed she looked so hurt but I couldn't care less "camila I'm so so sorry"she spoke.

I cried harder closing my eyes tighter hoping the pain and the hurt would go away until I felt arms around me thinking it was perrie I tried to pull away but they wouldn't let me,

"Let go of me"i screamed "it's me camz"lauren spoke loudly and I settled into her arms crying harder "i think you should go"she spoke to perrie a jade.

"No I need to speak to her"perrie spoke I just stayed buried in Lauren's chest "C'mon perrie you can speak to her when she's ready"jade told her "I need to speak to her now tho"perrie pushed.

"Yeah but she doesn't want to talk to you"Lauren snapped "yea well it's nothing to do with you"perrie hissed "you fucking cheated on her you think that's nothing to do with me fine but I'll make it do with me"lauren raised her voice.

"Oh yeah"perrie matched Lauren's voice "yeah"lauren hissed pushing me away walking towards perrie, until I pulled on her arm and shook my head "lo don't"i whispered and her eyes softened.

"Mila please can we talk"perrie interrupted and Lauren turned back to her standing infront of me "she doesn't want to"she told her.

"I'm not asking you I'm asking her"perrie snapped. "I don't give a fuck who your asking I'm saying no now get the fuck of my porch and go cheat on some other person that isn't camz"lauren snapped.

"There's the whole camz thing again look at you you'd think you were her girlfriend just admit you have a thing for her that's why youv been giving me so much grief" perrie shouted.

It obviously took Lauren by surprised cause she turned to look at me searching for something in my eyes I just frowned as she turned back to perrie.

"Just leave"her voice quieter than before "I fucking new it"perrie laughed "leave before I fucking make you"she snapped.

"C'mon perrie she'll speak to you when she's ready!"jade warned. "mila please talk to me soon"she said looking at me I just nodded "soon then bye"she said again towards me and Lauren slammed the door,

And walked Into the kitchen "lauren?"i questioned following her she just kept walking out her Backdoor out to her back yard.i kept following.

She was sat on the bench at the bottom of her garden with her head in her hands, I frowned making my way over to her the bench was infront of the tree which used to have her treehouse in it-a lot of great memories from that.

I sat down beside her and frowned as she didn't lift her head "lauren"i called out after a few moments "please lo"i whispered she lifted her head and looked at me tears streaming down her face what the hell whys she crying I never spoke and just hugged her.

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