Dinner at the jaureguis(chapter 3)

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One more chapter tonight because I got my first comment on this book seems sad but sure thanks monkey_lover940,😘


After lunch I felt kinda guilty and I had know idea why it wasn't me who was picking on Camila but it was me that didn't say anything and me who she caught kissing Michael but I don't understand why I feel guilty about that he is my boyfriend after all Evan Tho I don't like him that much.

well after school my mom told us we were. having guest over so I changed into my black skirt and purple top when I was ready my mom told me to set the table for four seeing as my big brother callum is of at college and my dad is always on business.

after a few hours there was a knock at the door "Lauren get the door"my mom shouted in from the kitchen I got up to open the door and there stood Camila and her mom Great just great.

"Lauren its so nice to see you oh how youv grown"miss cabello greeted me while coming in followed by Camila "its nice to see you two miss cabello"I hugged her. when my mom came out and greeted her.

"Camila look at you I see your still into bows"my mom smiled and Camila grinned back "never went of them"she laughed "okay we'll girls how about you two go up to Laurens room to catch up while us two catch up?"my mom smiled at me.

I couldn't really say no that would look weird "I'll call you when dinners ready" she told me while I grabbed camilas hand to drag her upstairs I felt tingles by her touch like I don't know I like them Tho!.

when we were in my room I dropped her hand and headed for my laptop to go on twitter."your room hasnt changed much"she laughed to herself "yea well you know me don't like change" I told her "and thought we didnt know each other anymore?"she raised an eyebrow

I just let out an annoyed sigh "whatever" I mutter under my breath while she sat on my bed. she picked up my stuffed teddy "hey you still have Mrs snuggles!"she laughed "I still have Mrs snuggles don't worry"she smiled at me.

I couldn't help smile at the memory we were eight and our dads were best friend so were our moms but they were introduced by our dads anyway our dads had taken us to the funfair and both of our dads played the ring toss and won us the sect same teddy when we got home we had a wedding for them and flipped a coin to see who was Mr and who was Mrs.

"I loved that day!"I told her honestly "me too it was only a few months before-" she cut her self of bit I knew what she was going to say and few months later her dad had killed himself and it killed her in the inside because the two were so close.

I could see she was really upset but I didn't know wither two comfort her or not. I seen a tear escape her eye I jumped up and walked over two her and sat down on the bed beside her "come here"I opened my arms she hugged me and I hugged her back tighter.

her scent was lovely she was camz and she was back "he would be so proud of you ya know"I told her honestly "no he wouldnt"she sighed I sat her up and whiped her tears away with my thumb "what makes you say that?"I asked worried

"I'm gay you know he wouldn't be proud of that and my-"she cut herself of "and your what?"I asked curious "nothing its fine let's just leave it"she told me whipping the rest of her tears away.

"girls dinner!"my mom shouted up and Camila was out of the room before I could speak there's something wrong with her! and I'm going to find out what!

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