Lunch gone bad(Chapter 2)

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this has been a crappy day from crying in English to getting called dyke and faggot all day it can't get any worse the good thing Tho is that a girl called ally has started to talk to me she asked me to sit with her at lunch.

which is where I am now "hey are you not eating?"she asked "no big breakfast"I faked smiled what she doesn't know is that I actually don't eat at all except dinner And at that I eat very little then make myself sick.

I got bullied that bad I formed an eating disorder but the worst of it was I started self harming. which is why I either always wear long sleeves or bracelets "oh okay"she shrugged it of.

after a while two girls sat down with us "hey girls this is Camila mila this is Jade and Perrie"she smiled "hey!" "sup"they greeted me and I let out a shy "hi" we talked for a but until that girl I bumped into early came up to the table with Lauren.

" what do you want"ally asked but that girl Sarah ignored her "see your not eating glad to see your trying to loose wait you need it"she laughed "hey leave her alone what the hell did she do to you"perrie said standing up and Sarah played attenion to her.

"who are you her girlfriend?" Sarah laughed and Perrie looked at me with blushed cheeks "no I'm her friend now leave her the hell alone you attention seeking whore!"Perrie shouted back causing half the cafeteria to look are way.

there were a lot of "oohhhss"going about "leave it C'mon Sarah"Lauren tried to talk her down.which I don't no or care why anymore. Sarah bent down so she was eye level with me "watch your back dyke"she whispered

and she left laughing leaving an unsure Lauren standing there "are you um okay?"she asked which shocked me "yea"I nodded and with that she walked away.

"hold up Lauren just asked were you okay?"ally asked shocked "yea?"I asked uncertain "she never and I mean never cares about anyone and I mean anyone besides her friends or boyfriend" ally told me wait boyfriend?!

"boyfriend"i asked "yeah Michael he's a real ass oh look there he is"ally pointed him out when I looked over him and Lauren were making out I felt a pain shot up my chest I felt my throat tightened until they stopped and her green eyes locked with mine.

after that I never dared to look over there and carried on lunch with my new friends.the rest of the day went by quit quickly because when I got home I was so tired.

"karla we are going to a friends house for dinner go change"my mum told me rushing around "ugh I'm so tired and mum please stop calling me karla!"I begged "yeah yeah go change!"she told me pushing me towards the stairs.

after my shower and after I was changed I was wearing skinny jeans and a long sleeved black and white jumper with my black bow. its only me and my mom going for dinner as I'm an only child and well my dad past away when I was nine it was such a hard time in my life because of his death but because it was suicide.

but Lauren was there and she helped me threw everything she was always there but now she's not?.once both me and my mum were ready we left she still wouldn't tell me where we were going so I got quit frustrated.

after a 20 minute drive my mom pulled up at a house it looked quit familiar we got to the door and my mom knocked on it only to be opened by Lauren...

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