Old Photo(chapter 35)

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"What are you doing here lauren?"i asked coldly standing up as she walked into the to the kitchen area I went to follow her only for her to walk out and walk down the hall.

"What are you doing?"i asked confused as she popped her head into the bathroom and out again going across the hall and doing the same into the spare room.

"Taking a tour"she mumbled "well you arnt allowed"i told her angry she completely ignored me walking down a little bit more and stepping into my bedroom walking straight in scanning the room her face emotionless.

Something caught her eye the picture I went wide eyed ok so technically it isn't mine.

"I knew you took it"she told me walking over to it picking it up and examining it.

"Why?"she asked looking up and locking eyes with me. I looked down embarrassed "I only had three photos"i mumbled "and you are technically my bestfriend"i added.

"Technically?"she whispered I looked up to see her hurt expression i shrugged "i want it back its my favourite"she demanded i frowned "lauren please i dont have any"i whispered looking down "24 hours ago you were ordering me out of your hospital room and now your begging to keep an old photo"she laughed bitterly "im not begging"i hissed

"okay so your fine with me taking it home"she smirked and went to walk away before she could i blocked her way and looked down "please"i whispered when i got no reply i looked up she was inches away from my face the air hitched at the back of my throat "you could have asked camz you stole it"she frowned

Pushing her away and walking over to the other side of the room "im mad at you lauren stop"i warned "but why are you mad camz"she asked is she joking is she actually being funny,

"you left me"i whispered "camila im sorry iv said it so many times now im ready to commit now ill walk into that fucking school and scream "I'm in love with camila cabello' if you want me to"she told me,

"lauren you dont get it you didnt even try how can i trust you wont do it again"i told her taking the photo out of her hand and setting it on my bedside table, walking past her and into the living room.i heard her following and i felt a light tug of my wrist getting forced around her lips landing on mine.

shocked i tried to push her of me but her grip was too tight soon enough i gave in kissing back nothing changed she still has the same effect on me all too soon she pulled back leaving me stanidng in the middle of the living room dazed, "you kissed back"she whispered seeming suprised

I threw my hands in the air letting out a frustrated groan "camz please you know i love you deep down you do and you still love me i felt it in the kiss"she told me touching her lips,

"everyone deserves a second chance camila even fuck tards like me"she told me seriously but i giggled at her choice of words i had to admit i did love her like i was madly in love with her and I missed her "camz"she mumbled obviously anxious of my quiteness,

i groaned "just kiss me" i mumbled attacking her lips startling her because she stumbled back slightly but caught her balance all too soon kissing back,

"MIL-ugh my eyes thier burning"i heard ally say pulling back i saw the three girls standing there i flushed at the thought that they seen us, i felt laurens arm go around my shoulder,

"Mila why the fuck didnt you answer your phone or answer the door"perrie stormed up to me angerily i was taken back by her anger frowning "perrie"jade hissed, "you dont answer us we practically banged the door you fucking panicked me dont you get it? how upset we were i thought when i walked in id see you like i did last week and believe me its the worst thing iv ever seen"she snapped tears filled my eyes at how vicious she was being.

"hey stop"lauren butt in "you dont get a say all you do is fucking upset her! you were there you found here you know how awful it was"perrie hissed lauren turned to me with a saddened look on her face and back at perrie "yes but your the one upsetting her now and i know how bad it was she doesnt need you breathing down her neck i was here" lauren told her calmly,

"and youll probably be dropped tomorrow yous guys are like a fucking switch one minute you guys love each other and the next yous hate each other and she does need to know how bad it was"perrie hissed

"i do know how bad it was"my voice croaked in and everyones head turned to me "if you think it was awful for you pez how do you think i felt"i told her "i went home and cried and cried seeing nothing just black thinking nobody loved me or cared about me"i told her in a small voice "standing in the shower doing this"i pulled up my sleves hearing a gasp from jade,

"getting the bottle of pills smaching a cabinet for vodka taking them both and seeing the world slip away i do know how awful it was perrie so dont think i dont"i snapped, tears rolling down my cheek."and me and lauren" i looked to lauren who had her eyes screwed shut looking the other direction "have nothing to do with you, i love her and she loves me all couples have fights"i told her slipping my hand into laurens, lauren turned to look at our connected hands then locked eyes with mine filled with suprise,

"im sorry mila"perrie whispered "its fine but just dont think everytime im alone ill top myself"i told her seriously and she nodded "are you guys okay?"i asked looking at jade and ally and they both nodded and smiled, i smiled in return "good now everythings fine"i laughed "but if you guys dont mind"i told them secretly pointing at lauren they all nodded in knowing but my secrect pointing was so secrect because lauren laughed.

"okay so we are still on for breakfast?"ally asked i nodded "defiantly can laurenza come?"i asked smirking at her "laurenza really"she laughed and i stuck my tounge out at her "y'all are so cute course she can come see you guys at 11"ally smiled and they left with small smiles, hearing the door click shut i turned on my heel to a smiling lauren "pizza and a movie?"i asked "most defiant my camzila"she laughed and i rolled my eyes smirking.

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