Whatever(chapter 13)

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Walking hand in hand back to our table with perrie the girls looked confused but happy and Lauren just looked right pissed "ohh are you two together"ally asked excitedly I turned to perrie blushing.

"If you want us to be"she asked I nodded "guess that's a yes"jade smiled "great now can we go home"lauren chirped in

I turned to perrie "wanna come over? movie date"i smiled she grinned and nodded back "uh are we invited"jade smirked "she said date so I'm guessing not"perrie answered smiling

"It's my house don't I get a say"Lauren interrupted "nope"I told her popping the p "let's go then"i pulled perrie up with me after hugging ally and jade goodbye we made our way to the car park.

"I'll go with perrie"i told Lauren "but you came with me"lauren seemed a bit pissed off I shrugged "whatever"she mumbled and walked of in the direction of her car.

Getting into perries car it wasn't awkward at all. "so you think this will work out?"perrie asked me while driving to Lauren's,

"Maybe we can just have a few dates see were it leads" I answered smiling she grinned in response "you know Lauren seemed really pissed?"perrie questioned "she's always like that tho"i replied and we laughed.

Arriving to Lauren's house her car was in the drive we got into the house and got comfy on the couch picking out some movies the first one we watched was insidious and I hate scary movies.

I lay super close to perrie snuggling my head into her neck everytime I would get scared for her to kiss my forehead and tell me everything was alright.

The second film we watched was high school music which I love and she just laughed at me while I sang along.

"Babe it's getting late I should be heading home"she told me standing up I pouted and she laughed "I'll see you again don't worry"she pecked my lips I pouted Evan more,

"That's all I get?"i asked she leaned in more kissing me more passionately but I didn't feel all the fireworks and butterfly's your ment to feel we started making out until we heard someone cough.

"No PDA in my house thanks"lauren sound more pissed of than before I pulled away blushing "see you tomorrow mila"she pecked my cheek and headed for the door "bye pez"i waved she waved back then leaving.

I looked to Lauren who just glared at me "what?"i asked innocently "when did that happen?"she asked annoyed "about 15 seconds before you came into the restroom at the mall"i replied honestly,

"Whatever I'm going to bed"she told me "goodnight"i called back all I got back was an whatever guess that's her new favourite word.

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