Girlfriend(Chapter 18)

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I woke up to an annoying buzzing sound, I squinted my eyes in the darkness looking for my phone, once I found it I didn't bother looking at the caller I.D and just answered,

"Hello?" I mumbled steeply

"Mila? what happened between you and perrie"i heard a worried ally on the phone I groaned
"We had an argument"i mumble tiredness coming over me,

"Clearly she's been in jades all day really upset I'm going to come get you so we can talk ok?"she told me "wait what? what time is it"i asked getting out of bed

"10:30 but your parents arnt home and we have no school so you should be fine" she told me

"I'll be there in 20 mila see you then"she told me

"Ok see you then"i mumbled and hung up I let or a frustrated sigh,

I walked into Callum's bathroom and fixed my hair not bothering to put makeup on I was in my clothes from earlier so I was ready,but I made sure to put a sweater on to hide the bandage on my wrist.

When ally honked I left the bedroom in a hurry to stay away from Lauren but failed "camz where are you going"she asked emerging from the living room.

I just kept my eyes on the door. "out with ally"i mumbled "but it's nearly 11pm"she told me "I'm aware"i sighed turning the noob at ally's second honk.

"Wait camz we need to talk"lauren told me pushing the door shut, "Lauren later ally's waiting"i attempted to open the door again but she just pushed it shut,

"No Camila now"she told me sternly "no I need to go"i whispered "camz look at me"she whispered,

I shut my eyes tightly "camz"she whispered again putting her hand under my chin to make me look at her i opened my eyes to find Lauren's piercing greens ones she was about to say something when there was a knock at the door.

"Every fucking time"lauren mumbled i opened the door to find ally "you ready mila? I honked a few times"she told me "yea I'm ready" I smiled.

Lauren who was behind the door now step outside with us "we arnt done talking camila" she told me,

"Later Lauren I'm going to jades"i told her attempting to walk away with ally to be pulled back by Lauren "why?"she asked "to talk to perrie"i told her, she looked angry "why?"she asked,

"Woah who are you her mom"ally laughed "camz stay we need to talk"lauren didn't bother responding to ally i shook my head "I need to talk to pez"i told her.she looked hurt her grip loosened enough for me to step away from her.

"So you rather go talk to her than talk to me"lauren asked hurt I narrowed my eyes "I wouldn't have to go talk to her if it weren't for you lauren" I spat.

"Leave her be then let her come to you"she told stepping closer to me I stepped back nearing ally "I'm going to talk to perrie"i told her sternly her face showed hurt and anger ,

"What ever Cabello"she hissed stepping into her house and slamming the door, I sighed.

"What's up with her telling you what to do?"ally asked as I got into her car. I shrugged "that's just lauren" I told her "she can be a right asshole when she wants to be obviously" she told me laughing slightly I nodded and she started to drive to jades.

As we were driving to jades I told ally what had happened and I think her anger towards Lauren grew

Getting out of ally's car we walked up to jades house, apparently jades parents took a adult vacation so she's on her own.

Stepping up to jades house the door opened and a smiley jade stood "hey guys"she waved "C'mon in"she told us as we walked to the living room I seen perrie,

As she turned round her eyes were red as if she'd been crying she looked suddenly angry "what the fuck is she doing here jade"she hissed I held my hands up in defence.

"I only came to talk and say I'm sorry"i told her saddened that she didn't want me here "get bored of Lauren already" she snapped "woah calm down we didn't sleep together pez" I told her,

"Yeah but even if you did it wouldnt have mattered because we arnt actually together ain't that right Camila" she snapped I flinched as she used the words I had earlier that day,

"We will leave yous to talk "jade smiled pulling ally upstairs.

I walked over to perrie slowly "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that"i told her she sighed "I'm sorry to I probably overreacted"she mumbled,

"It's just lauren obviously likes you she never bothered me before she apologised but as soon as I tell her I'm going to ask you to be my girlfriend she hates me then tells me yours 'slept together' and she didn't even tell me that she meant just sleep"she told me,my cheeks heated up at the thought of Lauren actually liking me.

"Wait you were going to ask me to be your girlfriend"i asked perrie she looked up "shit I shouldn't have said that" she sighed and put her head in her hands.

"No no I want to be"i told her putting my hand on her back her head lifted "you want to be my girlfriend?"she asked I nodded smiling.

"So are we not fighting anymore?"i asked she looked up smiling, she leaned over and caught my lips in hers and started kissing me not to long after I started kissing back all to soon she pulled back "so does this mean your my girlfriend?"she asked

I nodded "and your mine"i grinned "yay alls good" I heard from the doorway we turned to see ally and jade smiling. I reddened hoping they wernt watching the whole time.

"So I'll take mila home if that's all right ally?"perrie said. ally nodded "ok see you later girls"i told them hugging both ally and jade sayingn goodbye.

"Bye"perrie said as we walked out hand In hand to her car.

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