I fucking hate you!(chapter6)

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I turned to Lauren to see her staring at me anger in her eyes "about your nose" I tried but was cut of "oh the nose that you almost broke for fuck all"she asked angrily i was shocked at her language,

"You never swear and it was ment for Sarah"i told her slouching in my seat "well I never used to swear you need to get it in your head cabello that we arnt friends anymore that was nearly five years ago and Sarah happens to be my bestfriend so If you touch her prepare to be hurt"she hissed and I stayed silent,

That hurt me alot! "about the project you'll have to come round mine"she said "why?"i asked and she turned to look at me "Because I said so"she snapped "I rather work alone than with you"i mumbled

"Fine you know what"lauren said standing and walking up to the teacher they were clearly having an argument and the only thing I could hear was the teacher telling Lauren we couldn't switch which disappointed me.

Lauren came stomping over and sat back down sighing "don't say I didn't try"she hissed I mentally hit my head my bestfriend slash the person I love is going to bully me absolutely fucking fabulous!

As the bell rang for lunch I left straight away to find my friends only to run into Lauren and sarah

"Oh there's the little faggot"sarah laughed I went to walk away but Sarah blocked me "nope I think we need to teach you a lesson for what you did to lauren"she told me smirking I looked to Lauren who was staring at me,

"But it's understandable why your so fucked up inside,"she laughed just as ally jade and perrie starting walking over "daddy killed himself because of the disappointment you are" she laughed my head snapped up,

"What did you say"my voice filled with anger my eyes becoming glossy "oh you have a voice"she laughed just as ally perrie and jade got to us,

"I was just saying how fucked up it must feel to know daddy killed himself Because of how screwed up in the head you are you know being the little faggot you are "she hissed my head snapped to lauren

"You told her about my dad"i screamed she looked at me with wide eyes "Camila" she tried but was cut of by Sarah "oh have I touched a nerve"she laughed

I stared at her anger boiling inside me " my dad didn't know I was gay I was nine you fucking asshole"i shouted at her I looked over to see wide eyed and sympathetic looked over my friends,

"The much disappointment he must have felt he raised a fat ugly pathetic dyke he had to kill himself it's understandable I would kill myself if you were related to me"she snapped,

"Yo that's uncalled for"perrie stepped in "oh the heretic girlfriend trying to save the day again" Sarah laughed,

I went to walk away, "I hope you follow in daddy's footsteps"i heard Sarah say and turned around,

"Is that what you want me to do? kill myself will that make your life a hell of a lot better Because I know it'll make mine!"i shouted "go rot"she shouted and turned to walk away,

I walked out of school crying "mila" I heard behind me tears were nonestopable i felt arms around me "I'm so sorry we didn't know about your dad"i heard perrie say I looked up to see it was just her "where is ally and jade"i asked "giving Sarah a piece of there mind"she laughed.

"Camila you arnt ugly or fat or pathetic your beautiful okay don't listen to her your making your dad so proud please don't try and do what she told you to do" she told me concerned "I'll not I'm just going to go home to sleep I'm so tired"i told her she nodded,

"Stay safe and text me if you need me"she told me kissing my forehead and left,

Just as I was about to leave someone grabbed my arm and trailer me to the back of the car park were no one was.
They hugged me
"I'm so so sorry Camila" I heard the person say i soon realised it was Lauren and tried to get out of her grip.

Her hold was to tight for me so I started punching her chest "get of me you bastard"i shouted and she let me go she looked at me "please don't cry"she whispered wiping away my tears with her thumb,

I walked backwards a little so she couldn't touch me "don't cry are you being serious"i shouted "camila"she tried "no your an asshole lauren I know we arnt friends and I seriously don't want to be anymore but my dad killing himself you couldn't of kept that to yourself I hate you I fucking hate you just stay away from me you jerk and the English paper I'll do it and sign both are names keep the fuck away from me!"i shouted and walked away,

"Camz"i heard her call "don't call me that"i called back and left her to drive home

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