Cat scratch(chapter10)

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I cannot believe lauren just did that, I felt bad leaving her on the floor but hell no am I helping her so I just made my way out to my moms car,

She smiled starting the car up "you ok sweety?"she asked I nodded driving out of the school and on the route home,

"Camila me and Lauren's mom have decided to take a break and we are leaving to night and won't be back for ten days the day before you start back to school after half term"she told me I smiled lightly

"Cool"i mumbled "but we both felt bad leaving you and Lauren alone so we thought yous could stay together at Lauren's Because we still have a lot of unpacking to do"she told me and my eyes went wide.

"What can't I just stay at home?"i asked she shook her head no "it'll be a great way for you girls to catch up and just to make sure your staying there I'm locking the house up and taking all keys with me"she told me

"Whatever so I have to go over there tonight?"i asked and she nodded I groaned out in annoyance well ain't this going to be fun!

Getting home my mom told me to pack some bags to stay at Lauren's so I took my suitcase that I brought from New Zealand empty it and packed it again with close for through out the week sweats and a few tank tops to sleep in and my wash bag and make up.

And I packed a back pack for my important stuff phone charger mp3player books glasses and BOWS!

Making my way down stairs my mom was already at the door with her suitcase and told me to put my in the car doing so my mom was locking the house up, great she was being serious.

Driving to Lauren's my mom was telling me to behave, don't get into trouble, be nice blah blah blah I love my mom but she dosent know the half of it

Arriving I see Lauren mom standing with her suitcase I guess my mom is driving,

"Hello Camila, stay safe and don't eat all my food"laurens mom joked I laughed along with her "I'll try" I felt kinda down considering she thinks I eat a lot I look down at my stomach and a voice knocked me out of my thoughts,

"God cabello what have you got in this"lauren teased but I didn't laugh I just payed attention to her hands they were rapped up in band aids,

"Isn't it awful what happened Lauren trying to help that poor cat and it attacked her hands"lauren mom gushed I looked at Lauren who wouldn't give me eye contact,

"Yeah terrible"i mumbled "well that's us of bye girls"each mom kissed their daughter and drove off leaving me and Lauren in a house on our own,

"Your sleeping in Callum's old room you remember right?"lauren asked I nodded "where is Callum?"i asked "collage"she mumbled walking away "I'm going to bed"i shouted after her "night"she shouted back I rolled my eyes this ought to be fun.

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