Mahomie(chapter 20)

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Waking up the next day I just wanted to go back to sleep but I got up and ready with perrie,we didn't do much last night just ordered a pizza and watched a few films and fell asleep,

She wanted to talk me out for breakfast, I wanted to pay but she demanded on paying and here we are sitting in IHop waiting on our pancakes,

"Are you okay since last night?"perrie asked I nodded "she just gets on my nerves sometimes"i told her "what you mean?"she asks,

"Like she does something that annoys the hell out of me knows I'm pissed apologise then does it again and she always takes it out on me when I don't forgive her she drives me insane"i told her,

"Yeah I think she has a crush on you she even calls you camz? like no body else does but her personally mila is way better"she told me smiling

"Yeah"i nodded but infact I loved my nickname Lauren gave me like perrie said no body else calls me camz it's original,

"Was she like this when you two were little?"perrie asked I frowned "like what?" I asked "arrogant selfish uptight jerk push around all over bossy?"she asked,

"No she was always protective of me like no kid would ever say a bad word to me because they knew they'd have lauren to see to"i smiled at the thought as our waiter came with our pancakes,

"Two plates of our house pancakes"he told us setting the two plates infront of us I smiled at him he looked really familiar he looked at me and smiled,

I looked at his name badge "oh my god mahomie"i laughed his head snapped around "mila"he smiled I jumped up and hugged him his arms wrapped around my waist,

"When did you get back from New Zealand?"he asked pulling away from our hug "a few weeks ago"i smiled looking down at perrie she looked confused,

"Oh Austin this is my girlfriend perrie pez this is my old friend Austin "i smiled they shock hands,

"girlfriend woah didn't know you were gay mila"he looked surprised "yeah I came out in high school in New Zealand"i told him,

"Have to admit I had a hunch but I always thought it'd be you and Lauren that ended up together how is she?"he asked, I didn't wanna look at perrie but I did and she look annoyed,

"Uh,yeah she's fine our friendships kinda bumpy lately"i told him honestly "uh, that's to bad yous were the best duo of all Miami, anyway I better go can I get your number so we can hang out or something?" he asked handing me his pen and notebook thingy.

I wrote my number down and gave him a quick hug before he left to go back to work.

Sitting back down I dug right into my pancakes.

"So how did you two know each other"perrie asked "oh he used to live in my block we used to be pretty close until I moved"i told her and she nodded,

We ate with a little chat, once we were done I tried paying but perrie was being stubborn and payed for it all walking out I grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek "thank you" I told her and we hopped in her car driving home,

I pecked perries lips and thank her again for break fast before hopping out of her car and gradually walking into I hoped an empty house, and yet again my prayers weren't answered.

"Why are you back so late?"lauren asked jumping of the kitchen stool i looked at the clock and laughed "lauren it's only 1:30" I set my back pack down ontop of one of the chairs and went to the fridge for a bottle of water,

"Our moms called but I only spoke to mine considering you were out"she told me "what? what did they say?"i asked.

"Just put it this way we are gunna be housemates for two weeks longer than we excepted"she told me and I spat my water out "what!"i shouted.

"Woah it's not that bad camz" she said I grabbed my backpack making my way to the stairs until she grabbed my upper arm and pulled me around to her,

"Where are you going?"she asked "to Callum's room" I told her "we still need to talk camz"she told me.

"Later"i mumbled "you said that yesterday and last night when exactly is later?"she asked angrily

"When your less angry don't know what's up with you but sort it and stop grabbing me" I pushed her of me and made my way upstairs.

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