Book worm(chapter31)

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I know I don't really do Lauren's POV but it seemed important


Lauren POV

Walking away from Camila tears streamed down my face I never knew it would be this hard.

I just couldn't face it I can't face it,

Sitting down with my lunch beside a few of my friends at our normal table I never spoke a word, I tired to engage with the conversation but then thoughts of Camila would just come into my head.

The fact that I knew if I turned my head to the right I would see her sitting with her friends. I can't believe I left her in the hall crying I'm such a jerk. Maybe I should go over an apologise.

Looking over to cheek if she was there I seen both her and perrie standing arguing then Camila storming out of the cafeteria. frowning I made my way over to the table.

"Hey what's wrong with camila?"i asked and they looked at me with anger and confusing in there eyes

"are you joking?"jade asked,

I shook my head

"You! that's what's wrong with her"perrie spat. "but why were you arguing where'd she go?"i asked again

"Then answer is you again, I was talking badly about you and she was sticking up for you like hell why would she do that all you do is upset her"perrie told me.

"Wait you let her go of on her own to god knows where?"i panicked looking at the door and back to them. they were frowning confused

"What was she like?"i asked quickly "what?"ally asked "what state was she in?"I explained,

"She seemed out of it she's been crying none stop all day. I was trying to talk to her and we ended up arguing"perrie told me,

"Help me find her"i panicked they looked at me "please" I begged and they stood up.

"Have you got my number?"i asked "i do Camila gave me it I don't know why"ally told me and I nodded.

"If you find her call me"i told them and ran out of the cafeteria going straight to the library knowing she's a book worm.

Looking around all the book shelfs I couldn't find her so I ran out of the school building knowing if she was here the girls would find her.

Climbing inside my car I left the school grounds and headed on the route home.

A few minutes into the drive my petrol light was blinking meaning if I didn't fill my tank up I would break down "fuck"i screamed punching my steering wheel.

Passing a station I pulled in filling my tank up and paying for it.

About twenty minutes later I pulled into my driveway and hopped out of the car going inside."camila?"i called out and got no reply walking into the kitchen there was glass all over the floor.

I looked to see where it was from and it was the liquor cabinet "camila!"i called louder still getting no reply I starting climbing the stairs panicked I ran striaght to Callum's room. but it was locked.

"Camila"i called out with no reply I started banging the door "camila!" I shouted again still no reply. panicked and with my anxiety filling up I started kicking the door. a few kicks and I got it.

Straight away my eyes filled with tears "camila"i whispered out rushing to her "camila"i called out slapping her cheeks gently trying to wake her.

Beside her lay a bottle of pills it was mostly empty and a empty bottle of vodka "camila" I started shaking her,

tears rushing down my face.

"Lauren Camila" I heard downstairs I must of left the door open. putting my ear to her mouth she wasn't breathing which panicked me more, I put my fingers on her wrist and felt a light pulse letting out a sigh of relief which turned into a sob as soon as I seen her arms.

I heard someone coming up the stairs and at the door appeared a wide eyed perrie "call an ambulance"i told her but she was frozen "perrie!"i shouted and startled her.

She panicked and started looking for her phone once she found it, her hands were shanking dialling and calling she put the phone to her ear.

"Hello I need an ambulance" she cried "my friend she's um she's tried to kill herself"she cried harder making more tears stream down my face.

"Is she breathing"perrie asked me and I shook my head as she shut her eyes tightly "no"she croaked into the phone "has she a pulse"perrie asked again"eyes still closed

"Yes"i let out "yes she had"perrie told the person on the phone and the relief in her voice gave me hope.

"Thank you"perrie said dropping her phone to the ground falling to her knees beside us. I hope the ambulance gets here soon.

I nuzzled my head into her neck crying "wake up camz"i whispered

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