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The next morning Lauren picked me up and we headed to IHop to meet the girls.

"Camz please eat something"lauren whispered into my ear as we made our way over to the table that perrie jade and ally occupied,

I looked up to her and nodded.

"Hey guys"ally beamed "looks like yous didn't kill each other then"perrie joked to earn a smack on the shoulder from jade,

"Have you guys ordered"lauren asked "yeah we just ordered everyone pancakes is that okay?"jade asked.

"Of course yea"i smiled just to be Interrupted by our waiter, "house pancakes"and sat our order down.

Looking up I realised it was Austin "what up mahomie"i smiled and he laughed realising it was me. "hey mila"he smiled.

"What's up with you my texting then" I stood up nudging his shoulder.

"I think you wrote it wrong see"he pulled out a little note and showed a number,

"See 555 658"he told me "her numbers 555 568" I heard Lauren chrip in.

"Oh my god lauren jauregui"austin laughed "one and only"lauren smiled smugly,

"Thought you said you guys wernt really friends"he asked turning to me, I let out a small laugh.

"Actually"i turned to Lauren who had her head cocked to the right with her eyebrow raised.

"She's my girlfriend"i told him.

"Wait hold up I thought perrie was your girlfriend"he told me pointing to perrie and perrie gave him a small wave.

"Nope she's my ex girlfriend" I told him "shit I knew you and jauregui always would end up together"he smiled.

I flushed at the idea of people thinking me and Lauren would be together as kids.

"Anyway mila I better get back to work but I will for sure text you this time"he smiled proudly and I nodded he embraced me in a hug then went back to work.

Sitting back down and starting to eat Lauren put her arm around my should whispered encouraging thing a in my ear to make me eat. after I ate half of the plate I couldn't anymore and pushed the plate away.

To receive a gentle kiss to the forehead "you did good camz"lauren whispered into my ear and I smiled up at her.

Nearing the end of breakfast Lauren turned away from the conversation the girls were having to look at me "when did you see Austin to give him your number"she asked ,

"The morning after I stayed in perries"i told her and she nodded "why?"i asked she shook her head "lo?"i asked, "you know he had a huge crush on you in middle school?"she asks and I flush,

"Sure but I'm gay"i laugh and she nods "plus Iv only ever loved one person"i whispered in her ear before giving her a small peck on her cheek.

The rest off breakfast went smoothly the grin never leaving Lauren's face

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