What happened to us?(chapter 1)

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"karla"my mum shouted up to me. ugh today was my first day of school back in Miami and I am dreading it! first of all because at my last school in new Zealand i was badly bullied and second because I might see Lauren who I havnt seen or spoken to in four years.

"Karla!"my mum shouted up a second time "I'm up mum"I shouted down to her. I got up and headed straight into the bathroom were I took my morning shower and after I got ready today I was wearing high waisted blue jeans with a white crop top  with converse while my hair was straightened with a black bow.

once I was ready I grabbed my book bag and headed down stairs "morning mum"I kissed my mum on the cheek "morning hun how you feeling?"she asked me "nervous"I sighed "you'll be fine sweety but you better be going don't want to be late"she smiled.

I sighed and left the kitchen after a quick goodbye. once out side I put my bag in my mini and drove to school it wasnt that long of a drive 15 minutes or so when I pulled into school I couldn't get out of the car so I sat in the car park getting myself ready for what ever was going to happen.

after around ten minutes I fought I better get inside so I walked in the school doors big mistake! everybody was staring at me looking me up and down I started getting really anxious.

I made my way to the front office "hello sweety are you new?"the kinda old women asked me "yeah my names Camila Cabello" I smiled and she filled in some forms then handed me my lock for my locker.

I thanked her then made my way to my new locker still gaining a few strange looks.after I put all my books away I check my schedule to see my first class was English so I started to make my way there turning the corner only to lock eyes with a pair of green ones.


coming into school on a Monday morning was such a struggle! but I managed as I made my way down the corridor students knew who I was and made way for me.

I don't mean to be the school bully it just sort of happened and now I'm popular so what ever. as I was walking up to my locker I was met by my 'best friend' Sarah who was really just A bitch who thought she owned me.

"hey girl" she smiled "hey"I faked a smile back "did you hear about the knew girl?"she asked "no why?" I asked curiously  "well turns out shes a dyke"she said in disgust I mentally laughed nobody knows this but I'm a closeted lesbian.if anyone found out I'd be done.

"so?"I asked "so its file ugh "she spat in disgust I just ignored her "so were you first two?"I asked her "physics you ?" she replied I mentally thanked the heavens "English"I sighed in relief "hey we better get going"she told me.

we started walking down the hall until someone bumped into Sarah "watch we-"she didn't finish her sentence because she laughed "oh yeah your the new girl" she laughed this new girl looked really and I mean really familiar.

she kept staring at me "oh better watch out Lauren the faggots got a crush on you"Sarah laughed more and the new girl looked hurt "lo?"she asked oh my god its Camila its fucking Camila.

"camila?"I asked "yea"she smiled "wait hold up you know this dyke?"Sarah asked serious I looked from Sarah to Camila half of me is saying go with Camila because you once were best friends and you miss her but the other half is saying that she left you she ignored you she can't just come back into my life and meas it up.

"no I don't"I said sternly not daring to look at Camila "then how do you know her name?"Sarah asked ugh her and her questions "because she was in one of my classes in middle school now c'mon!"I told her "but-"I cut her of "hurry the hell up Sarah"I told her .

we left a really upset Camila standing in the hall. "you better not be friends with her"Sarah told me "I'm not but if I were it would have fuck all to do with you got it?"I asked her "yeah whatever I gota go see ya at lunch"she answered "yeah bye".

once I got to English I took my usual seat at the back no one dares to sit beside me you know because I'm the 'bully' so I'm alone.everyone has taken there seats and Mrs. Johnston has Beguin the lesson on William Shakespeare I think.

that is until she stops because a students arrives late "sorry I'm late im new"the student told Mrs.Johnston "ah yes you must be Camila come in"she replied I tilted my head up god no she's in this class.

"class this is camila she new"Mrs.Johnston told the class everyone just kept mumbling things like "faggot" "fake" things like that "and where shall we seat you miss.cabello ah beside Lauren"she told her and I snapped my head up to catch Camila looking at me.

she made her way down to the seat next to me which I just ignored her and pretended to listen to Mrs.Johnston's boring speech about Romeo and Juliet we all know this story they fall into love which is forbidden then end up dead the end why do they babble on.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my teacher read my name out "pardon?"I asked clueless to what she just said "I said you and camila are partners for the paper on Romeo and Juliet"she smiled and sat down no no no I want a different partner my mind was screaming but the words wouldn't come out.

"you may discuss the project with your partners"miss told us how great I turned to a very uneasy Camila "um well hey lo"she laughed nervously "my names Lauren"I snapped back "well yeah I no that"she rolled her eyes.

"why did you tell your friend you didn't no me?"she asked me looking into my eyes "because I dont"I answered her back and her eyes darkened with sadness.

"yes you do I'm the same camz?"she told me uneasy "well I'm not the same Lauren so the only way we will be talking is with the project and after that keep away"I snapped her eyebrows furrowed she sat in silence as Mrs.Johnston started talking again.

I seen camila scribble something down on a piece of paper and pass it two me it said.

what happened to besties for lifeies?

I wasn't sure how to respond I used to tell her this all the time when we were best friends and I'd love for us to be best friends again but I just can't be seen with a dyke!

grow up Camila!

was my response after that she raised her hand "yes Camila?" "may I go to The bathroom please?"she asked her voice shaky j knew she was going to cry our teacher nodded her head and camila went rushing out if the classroom I was tempted to run after her but I simply didn't...

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