05 | Red Throne

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The following morning, I woke up to trumpets blown in my ears. I jerked out of bed and fell on the ground. The room was rather dark as the curtains were still blocking out the sun.

"What...the hell?!" I got up with a bruise on my side. I peered around and saw that nobody was around.

"That's odd?" I yawned and scratched my back and dove back into bed. I got comfortable under the blankets again. But something yanked away my covers and I bolted up trying to catch the phantom, depriving me of my sleep.

"Ahem." The man from the previous night stood at the end of me bed.

"Tsk. Just you..." I sank back down.

"My King, please don't excuse me as just your wake-up call, get dressed please. Breakfast will be in twenty-minutes." He didn't even look at me directly and then bowed his head.

Do these people ever smile? What kind of joke is this? I sat there scratching my head in annoyance. Well today marks the second day of Nagisa and I living under the same roof. For some reason, that motivates me more to get out of bed.
I sat at the long table waiting for Karma to arrive. I looked up at the grandfather clock and watched the pendulum swinging back and forth. My mind in a daze. What was I thinking about again?

"Nagisa, good morning." Karma walked into the room wearing the same royal uniform as I did but, a different tone. The collar popped, the crisp light gray shirt, and the black streaky boots. Everything emphasized his eyes. Those maids really know about fashion...

"Good morning." I nodded my head, "sleep well?" The servers walked by and gently laid the table cloth on our laps. Then they placed the silver dome in front of us and lifted the lid.

"Well, someone came by giving me a jump start." Karma chuckled.

"Let me guess, a horn blown?" I picked up my fork.

"Even better...a trumpet." Karma laughed.

We ended up not eating much of our breakfast because, of all the jokes we made. We knew we had to wrap it up quick because the servants were idly waiting for us to finish.
I thought this would be awkward...but that wasn't the case. I enjoyed his company.

Karma and I walked out of the dining hall and he playfully nudged my arm, enough for me to trail to the side.

"Hey!" I shoved him back while laughing uncontrollably.

"Nagisa, you have to put more body into it."

"Oh shut up." I pushed him.

Nagisa started striding quicker, watching his small figure walking away.

"Nagisa, after studies, I would like to spend some time with you." I spoke out.

Nagisa stopped and turned around.
"Sorry, I want to be alone actually." Nagisa smiled, "it's nothing against you, I just want...to get away from all of this." He gazed around at the high ceilings of the palace.

"Understandable." I nodded my head, "maybe next time."

"Yes." Nagisa waved. "Bye."

Ah...lonely isn't it?
I guess I'll just accompany Asano later. He did say that he got a new sword from the armory his dad owns. Maybe I should drop by and see it myself, possibly pick one up too.

As I was walking back to my room, the birthmark on my chest started throbbing. Gosh, how am I supposed to deal with it?
Ah...I'm finally out. I really can't stand being held up in the palace. Well, at least Karma's there. If that wasn't the case, I would of already found myself a executioner to end me.

I walked down the streets of Perennial Rose's Southwest district and it bustling with many citizens. Merchants, housewives, husbands, children, knights, all roamed around. As I emerge myself into the life I once had, I envied it.

"Hey, missy. Why is a fine jewel like you with lowly people like them?"

I laid my sights upon these four guys cornering some people behind a building. There was one man standing within distance, watching as everything was happening.

Ignore it Nagisa, it has nothing to do with you. As I was about to leave I heard a loud thud. I turned back around and saw that one of the guys had pushed another person against a barrel, smashing it in the process. Before I knew it, it was one of my childhood friends, Sugino.

Well I can't walk away and betray him like that. You'll regret it Nagisa...didn't they tell you not to steer attention towards yourself? Especially if you blow your cover?

"Hey, leave them alone." I convened into the situation, "don't you think that's enough already?" I faced the four guys who towered over me

"Huh? Who's this girly runt?" A guy with shaggy black hair and glasses shoved me back.

"N-Nagisa...?" Sugino was bewildered by my sudden appearance.

"Who do you think you are?" The guy with long eyebrows and slanted eyes pressed his finger against my chest.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" I forcibly rocked him back. "Just leave these guys alone." I demanded.

"Why you!-"
I felt the hardened rock of a fist, collide against the side of my face. For a second, I lost my balance and my cheek stung badly and numbed for awhile. The girls started screaming in fright and everyone began to stare.

"Nagisa!" Sugino worriedly shouted my name.

"I-I'm fine." I motioned my arm and kept him back.

The guy continued and grabbed my collar. He was trying to intimidate me with his eyes.

"You middle class runts think you can play around and knock Asano to the side like that?"

"I-it was an accident!" The girl with long black hair spoke out, "w-we apologized to him-"

"Shut up!-"

"Hey!" I blurted. "Middle class runts huh? Then what are you? I don't see any noble crest on you." I angrily stayed content.

"Huh? I'm going to kill you if you keep blabbing on like that." He threatened.

Kill me? Me?
I started to chuckle and it rolled into a laughter. They looked at me confusingly weirded out as the other guy was still holding onto my shirt.

"A person like you...kill me?" I slapped his hands away, "don't be going around using that word so casually. If you don't watch yourself, you'll regret it." I warned.

They ended stalling pitifully and noticed the quiver arrow bag slung on my back, along with the black handled bow.

"That's enough boys, let's go."

Someone called out from outside the ring and it was the guy from earlier. He immersed himself into the light and I saw his features. He had orange hair and purple eyes...those eyes that screamed of power. The Asano family. Nobles that monopolized sword making in the kingdom.

"To think I would see another noble in these parts of the city." He walked towards us but maintained the distance between. "Shiota, I presume?"

I didn't answer him.

"I apologize for how inconsiderate these guys have been." His tone was like it was joking with me, he wasn't serious at all.

He stopped pretending and crossed his arms.

"What do you think you're staring at? Your family is going to be booted of the nobility chain soon enough. We all know it. Not once has you're family bore the reincarnated children." He degraded me openly, "you're as much of a peasant than anything."

The Asano family...a group of nobles that are known for their brutality.

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