136 | S3: Beyond Our Touch

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This morning I had to get up rather early to get a head start on the piling workload. Lately, the requests from our citizens have been at its peak, especially those from Scienion who recently moved onto our land.

If anything, majority are about opening more schools and academic facilities for both the youth and our honorable scholars. I will definitely have to discuss this with Nagisa and Irina later on.


"You don't necessarily start work until 7am. Why do you punish yourself to wake up two hours before?" Karasuma asked while scanning through some of the documents on the desk.

"Why, it's because I have fallen completely into the grasps of faithful love." I casually chuckled but Karasuma didn't find my comment amusing whatsoever.

"In short, Nagisa is usually exhausted in the morning so by starting now, there will be less work. He can at least get another one or two hours of sleep and we'll still finish by the given time." I explained.

Karasuma raised his brow like he was surprised by my actions.

"I know, I must say that I'm quite the dutiful lover." I winked and Karasuka rolled his eyes.

"Such sourness is not needed this earlier in the morning." I sighed and waved my hand to shoo Karasuma aside. "Poor Irina, for I fear that she'll wither away without a child in her womb."


I glanced up and noticed Karasuma growing uncomfortable by the second. His body language changed and he didn't make eye contact when I called his name.

"I'm speechless." I said, "while I have known the stone-faced, Black Knight to be unreadable, I am able to see right through you for the very first time."

Karasuma slightly unsheathed his sword.

"Hold on, you think silencing me will work?!" I inched back in my seat.

Karasuma sheathed his sword and rubbed the bridge of his nose in discontent.

"I swear I will not say a word." I promised.

"The news came to me rather recently. The royal physicians weren't sure about her state and wanted to wait a couple of weeks before letting me know." He spoke.

"So she is with child?" I questioned with brewing excitement.

"Yes, Irina is three weeks pregnant." Karasuma replied, but I would like to keep it quiet for now."

"Of course, I won't even mention it to Nagisa until you guys are making the news official. May I ask why though?" While it does sound like I'm prying, the concern on his face was too much to dismiss.

"Her mother had miscarriages before she had Irina. Therefore, she is afraid to let others down after sharing such news, especially too early." Karasuma explained. "I thank you for respecting that."

"Of course, it's the most I can do for her during these stressful time." I said. "Until she is comfortable sharing it, this will be the last we speak of this."

"Thank you, my King." Karasuma bowed his head.

"Well then, I must get back to work. These papers aren't going to sign themselves are they?" I rearranged myself in my seat more properly and got to work.

With a slight look up, Karasuma had a faint smile on his face as he was helping me organize the papers on my desk to separate them by category.

"We are both dutiful lovers." I said under my breath.

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