100 | S2: Iron Claws

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Ah, I'm exhausted.
Leaning against the wall sweating, and bleeding from my shoulder, Manami stood beside me and waited for me to catch my breath.

"You're really something else Manami. What is that object in your hands?"

"It's called a firearm, a revolver to be extract." She hid the metal contraption in a holster wrapped around her leg underneath her dress, "only the royals carry them."

"Kind of like a miniature canon." I slightly chuckled, only to be greeted my pain. "A one-hit kill?" I wondered.

"Any single bullet can be fatal depending on where it hits on the body. However, I coated these bullets with poison so no matter the area, it will do the job."

"Poison?" I questioned amazed and she nodded her head.

I stared at the three bodies of the Queen's Guard before us. One of them I was able to dominate with my hefty sword alone and the other two were shot down by Manami. They died a slow and probably painful deaths. One thing for sure is, if these weapons were introduced into our Kingdom, it would be revolutionary. Maybe catastrophic.

"You're aim is commendable." I commented. "Really saved me there."

"T-thank you." She smiled. "I'm glad to be of help. Though, I only have four bullets left." She noted.

"They will come in use later on, if need be." I responded.

She nodded her head, stuck out her arm, and I grabbed ahold of it, getting back up.

"What about the wound on your shoulder?" She lightly touched it, "we should treat it-."

"It's okay. Just a scratch." I brushed it off.

"I don't think scratches bleed out like that." She sighed. "We need to tend to it." She looked around and ended up tearing a table cloth, then wrapping it around my arm pit, upwards towards the shoulder wound.

"Thanks." I appreciated her and gleamed.

Suddenly, the both of us heard sluggish footsteps coming our way. I drew my sword and shielded Manami, keeping her close to the wall.
Soon enough, the sound voices were apparent and when I was about to swing, my blood stopped me

Nagisa gasped while calling my name.

"Huh?" I inched back and lowered my arm to see Hazama being supported by him. "You're alive." I teased.

"Karma, now is not the time." Nagisa sighed.

"Q-Queen Manami..." Hazama eye's glittered as she was about to burst into tears.

"Lady Hazama." Manami hands trembled and I think part of her hesitated because practically everyone else had betrayed her.

"It's okay." I patted her back, "she's with us."
The fact that Nagisa went out of his way to help her, despite our sour past, we can definitely trust her.

"I'm glad you're okay!" Manami walked in and wrapped her arms around Hazama who was injured. Plus, some of her uniform was blackened and burnt.

Nagisa stepped back and came to my side, leaning his arm in my arm, smiling, no words.

"Y-you're alive..." Hazama tried to hold back her tears, "my apologies my Queen, I couldn't save your mother."

"Is that so?" Manami's voice trailed off, "even so, thank you for being with her until her last moments." Manami also began to cry along with Hazama and she couldn't respond.

I glanced at Karma's shoulder and noticed that he was wounded too. I shifted to the side, facing Karma so that I could hide my back injury. If he sees it, I'll never hear the end of it, a hypocrite he is.

"Huh? Something wrong?" He wondered, with a raised brow.

"Nothing at all." I smiled away.

"Hm." He looked over me and sighed, crossing his arms, "you can't hide it. Your uniform is also torn, soaking in blood."

"I guess we're twins now." I lightly joked.

"I can already hear Karasuma scolding us." Karma chuckled. "Does it hurt?" He reached out and lightly touched my arm.

"Not really, not anymore at least. However, we have other problems to deal with." I pointed out.

"Yes. That's right."

All of us turned our heads toward the new voice that appeared amongst us. An ominous man with deep ridged back eyes and protruding cheek bones stood before us. His attire threw me off guard as he wore a grey trench coat and black gloves.

"Welcome to Scienion, Crowns of the Crescent Kingdom." He tipped his head and deviously grinned.

Both Karma and I blocked Hazama and Manami from this mysterious man who was emitting calmness, the essence of hidden bloodlust.

"U-uncle?!" Manami said with shock.

"Sir Lovro...what's the meaning of this?" Hazama bellowed out, "you're behind all of this hysteria aren't you?"

"Well, I couldn't simply take all the credit." His arms moved to add emphasis. "My dear niece, to think that you're still alive after all of this. It's applaudable." The man casually clapped his hands.

Karma drew his sword and nudged me back, I knew from his stuttering breath that he was swarmed with consternation. Though, it's not like he would admit to it anyways but even I was intimidated by this strange man's presence. The fact that he hasn't done anything yet is what kept us on our toes.

"Karma! Nagisa! Be careful, he's Scienion's ex-general of the military. When my late father ruled, he was his right hand man, cutting down anyone who opposed them. E-even children."

Chills ran down my spine and I reached for my bow and a single arrow, waiting for this man to attack.

"For the safety and security of this kingdom, I did what was right as followed by my brother. My niece, you've done a great error to throw me aside, dismissed, and defaced my military status two days before your coronation."

I glanced back at Manami and she gulped out of fear.

"You're a dangerous man with too much power." She blurted, "I'm not going to follow in my father's or your footsteps." Manami stated with shaking confidence.

"You won't be, that's it isn't it? Because once I kill all of you here, I will take the throne for sure. Not a measly little girl who only pretends."

Karma struck first, swinging his sword down once. Not as an attack but a mere warning. Lovro dodged it as expected and lightly grinned but in that moment, I released my grip on the arrow and it soared.

Lovro touched this cheekbone and stared at his hand stained in red. With the callous way he looked at all of us, he acknowledged our challenge.

Lovro unsheathed his sword and pointed it at both Karma and I. With a steady stance he spoke,
"the last one standing will be the King."

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