86 | S2: Limitless Ripples

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With the spiritless hours ticking away, it felt like an eternity to reach Scienion.

When I left Karma, I managed to see Karma and Karasuma chatting privately on the bow. I wonder if they'll relay their conversation to me afterwards.
What was a surprise was a few seconds after I arrived to the cabin, Kaede appeared and essentially kept me company.

"What's the sudden angst?" I wondered as she sat down on the bed across from mine.

"My Queen, you've been strange lately." Kaede pointed out, "are you alright? Tell me the truth." She pestered while getting comfortable.

"What do you mean?" I leaned back, "I'm perfectly fine." I brushed off the idea wondering if Karma sent her to comfort me.

"Surely there's something troubling you. Even though I've only met you recently, I've grown to know you. Please rely on me my Queen."

"Kaede as you can see there's nothing wrong." I stood up and headed towards the door. I don't want to tell her first, I want to tell Karma what's on my mind. Though, there is this twisting sensation in my chest that doesn't want to.
Sure, Kaede is a splendid lady that I trust dearly but not on such a topic. I feel terribly lost.

The creaking of the bed she sat on and her voice stopped me at the knob. While there is Karma who knows me best, Kaede is very close second.

"Nagisa. Please."

With a burning sigh, I let it out. There's no use in hiding such an idea right? It shouldn't be a problem when I know I've made my choice. But why is it that at times like this I waver when I don't want to. Is it because I really haven't accepted my own heart?
This disloyalty running in my veins, I feel utterly guilty.

"Before we departed the Kingdom, Hazama made a proposal." I spoke staring at my hand that was touching the knob of the door. "A proposal that could free Karma and I from this life, this so-called curse."

"Anything you tell me, will only stay with me. I will not tell another soul. Come and sit my Queen, you have a lot on your mind don't you?"

I turned and saw a faint figure of Yua standing next to Kaede. She only had a solemn expression and soon disappeared without a word. I walked back and sat next to Kaede.

"Hazama suggested that Karma should marry the princess of Scienion. Well, technically their Queen after the coronation. And once that's finalized Karma would-."

I paused and bit my lower lip. For some reason my hand began to tremble, it was unsightly of me.

Kaede placed her soft and gentle hands over mine with hope and confidence. She waited for me to continue and didn't say a word.

"To break the curse, Karma would plant his seed in the woman and she'll bear his child. She deemed this as a way to free us."

I didn't care to look Kaede in the eye when she nodded her head in silence. Does she think that I would agree to it? Surely she must think I have because if I didn't I wouldn't be worked up about this.

"But it's an assumption really. We don't know what would happen if Karma did. For all we know, nothing will change and it would be all for not. It's silly really, I don't know why I'm so afraid."

Again, Kaede didn't say anything at all. Between us was the sound heavy wind outside and the waves tapping against the ship.

"If you keep quiet like that, it makes me anxious. Why aren't you-."

All of a sudden, Kaede wrapped her arms around me and embraced me tightly. Instead of a joyous mood, it was painfully dark. I didn't have to see what kind of facial expression she wore, I knew that it was hurting.

"I could only imagine how stuck you must be. Determining what's best for Karma and yourself, especially the Original Crowns too. You're selfless Nagisa, but it's alright to be selfish too. But you just have to keep asking yourself the same question."

"And what might that be?" I returned the embrace and hugged my arms around her too.

"Do you love Karma?" She asked.

"Yes, I love him dearly." I replied.

"Then that's enough." Kaede was the first to release her arms and she inched back to touch my face slowly. "My Queen, whether it may the spirit within you of the Original Queen or not, you must proudly state your love."

Her words melted in my ears and I nodded my head. In that moment, I couldn't bottle my emotions. I felt more terrible that such a simple matter of decisions had led me down a black road.

"I'm the one who has been born the way I am, am living the way I am, faced with troublesome predicaments. Yet you're the one who is crying." I patted Kaede's head as she started to tear up.

"You always put up a front Nagisa. At least let me cry in your place." Kaede rubbed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"The next time you see lady Hazama, be sure to tell her straight my Queen. If you would like, I will accompany you as moral support." She giggled quietly.

"I will be honest with her." I answered.

"And try to have more pride as Karma's lover, as the Queen of Crescent Kingdom." She added.

"I will surely grow to have more confidence in myself." I agreed

"Will you tell the King about this? Karma?" Kaede brought up, "is it necessary?"

"I will tell him eventually." I said, "if I tell him about how unreliable I was, he'll greatly punishment me for it." I let out a small chuckle. "It is us, a naval ship, and the blue seas. I cannot simply escape him."

"I didn't think he was a brute of someone who would scold. If I were to pick someone as fearful as they are without trying it would definitely be Karasuma." Kaede looked up to think of a memory.

"Well, I wouldn't say Karma is one to reprimand per say. That's not what I meant." I patted her shoulder.

"Then what did you mean? How else does he punish you? I doubt that he would punch or slap you." She looked confused and oddly concerned.

"It's not something to worry about. So if you can, let's just keep this between the one both of us for now. Promise?" I asked standing up and headed towards the door, "anyhow, it's quite stuffy in this room. Let's get some fresh air."

When I opened the door, I didn't hear her footsteps behind me. When I turned my head, I saw Kaede on one knee, bowing her head.

"I swear on my life and the trust you've invested in me that I will not tell another soul. Let the kingdom prosper and long live the King and Queen."

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