125 | S2: Letters That Speak of Love

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With the white crescent-moon gazing through our curtains, I laid awake in the middle of the night along side Nagisa who fast asleep. I don't know what woke me up but I had a hunch. And I was correct.

"You're cruel Roka, can't you let this poor man sleep?" I sighed while staring at him standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows. "Though I guess the stress that I've been suppressing can't be hidden from the likes of you."

"Of course." He responded. "Essentially, I'm here to check up on you." Roka smiled and when he lifted his palm upwards, a while glowing light appeared.

"I feel like you're always checking up on me." I sighed, "just like my doting father." I joked.

"It's true that it's not necessary for me, even in the past I rarely come forth to my reincarnations as often as I do with you. However, I fear that my time is limited now and I can't let you follow a path by yourself. At least, not for now that is."

"But I'm not alone." I looked down at Nagisa. "Even if he hadn't open up to me and accepted our fates, I still wouldn't be alone. And that's not just because were are forced to be together."

"You've always been a confident one" Roka chuckled. "He has come a long way himself. I remember a year ago when he threw this all behind him. I was so sure that he would become a lifeless puppet, just like most of my past reincarnations."

"He was like that wasn't he? But I knew he would come around, even if it would take some time. I've believed in him and I still do unconditionally."

"Young love is such a bright sight indeed. Makes me nostalgic honestly." He commented.

"For some reason, I have a sense that you didn't come to me just to see how I was doing. Is something wrong?" I questioned.

"I'm not sure what it is exactly, but I fear that the both of you've yet to see the end of your misfortunes. It's rather saddening to see the both of you lose so much in a short amount of time."

"What are you rambling on about now?" I leaned forward, growing worried about Nagisa. "Are you saying that we'll be confronting yet another roadblock?"

"As I've told you before, I cannot tell the future." Roka explained, "but be on your best guard. Make wise decisions."

Suddenly, Roka started to fade with flower petals trailing away with his essence.

"For time, it cannot be slowed down nor stopped. And surely, it cannot be returned."

When Roka vanished, I felt something squeeze my hands and I looked down to see Nagisa awake. Was he listening this whole time? But it's not like he could hear Roka speak versus what I said.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I caressed his cheek.

"No." He replied and gazed into my eyes, "Yua visited me in my dreams again." He added. "When I opened my eyes, I heard you speaking so I listened."


"I can't tell you not to worry about me, but please continue to believe in me. I know that life is not always giving, but we can't deny it. Whatever comes my way and our way, we'll pull through together." He tightened his grip around my hand.

I agreed and laid back down, inching in to kiss him on the lips.

"Yes, like how we always do."
That same morning, we bumped into Duke Kuro in the halls of the palace. He was accompanied by two palace knights and they greeted us with a bow.

Duke Kuro explained that he just met with the current Crowns to talk about foreign affairs over breakfast.

"If the both of you aren't busy, may I speak to you both in private?" He asked while look a bit off himself.

"That's fine." Nagisa responded, "come, we'll go to a drawing room." He smiled at the knights and they escorted the three of us.

Once the doors closed, we sat down and waited for Duke Kuro to speak. He wore a slight grin that was burdened by uncertainty.

"I hope it's good news." Nagisa spoke first, "I heard it was rather a success on her part."

"Lady Kaede is quite a special woman indeed. She deserves all the credit for making this wish come true." Duke Kuro smiled, "it's been a week since that fateful meeting. We've been exchanging letters ever since." He explained.

Even though I was happy for Duke Kuro to gain his happiness back, it was still unsettling. Was I the only one who found this wrong?

"I'm not well aware of your position nor the woman you speak of, but doesn't she have a family?" I questioned.

Nagisa grew solemn and looked over to see what Duke Kuro would say. Even though I brought it up, his positive attitude did not fade. Duke Kuro glanced directly into my eyes with firmness.

"My King, you can judge me all you want but I just want to clarify that I don't have any plans to romantically reunite with her. It's true that this feeling in my chest yearns for her love, but we are aware of our situation and know that we shouldn't get greedy."

"It's unfortunate." Nagisa commented, "I can't imagine what you're enduring right now."

"You're too kind, my Queen." Duke Kuro spoke, "even though we are just exchanging letters, I feel as if I was able to take back part of my life that I lost long ago."

"I didn't mean to insult your position." I sighed, "rather, I'm worried that this may become a problem if word got around that the trusted Duke of Crescent kingdom was involved in an affair." I explained. 

"That would be troublesome wont it? Not to worry, it's not like I'm flooding her with letters daily." He assured.

"I'm just happy for you." Nagisa gleamed, "you seem to be doing well now."

"Thank you. I'll savor this experience and feeling for as a long as I can before it slips between my fingers." Duke Kuro stood up and fixed his coat.

As Nagisa and I stood up, he reached out and shook our hands. They felt heavy and it wasn't from the firm handshake. It definitely carried something much more meaningful even though I did not know what it was.

It was like he was apologizing.

"You have a long road ahead, the both of you. If I am not there every step of the way, just know that I'll always be there in spirit." Duke Kuro brought up as we headed to the door.

"In the beginning, I worried about whether or not this kingdom would be in good hands. But through what you've showed me, now I know for a fact that it will be."

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