82 | S2: Scienion

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After a solid hour had passed, the three of us, Hazama, Nagisa, and chose a private room to discuss further business.

Both Karasuma and Kaede waited beyond the door, listening in if they could.

"Allow me to introduce myself once more." Hazama drew one hand behind her back and leaned her body forward, "My name is Kirara Hazama." She reintroduce, "I am honored as the one who will inform you of our great land."

"My name is Nagisa Shiota, the next Queen of Cresent Kingdom." He shook her hand while she wore fixed expression. Like a smile was sewn, forcibly lying.

I was well aware there was another face behind that mask of hers. We both did.

"Karma Akabane, next King." I shook her hand as well, out of politeness. "Thank you for coming, it must of been an exhausting journey."

"It's nothing at all really. I've travelled multiple times across the expansive blue seas with his majesty's family. Light work you could say."

She spoke with a sharp and egotistical personality. But I commend the fact that she's clean with it. Hazama doesn't show it, but you can tell that she means something else behind her words.

Social skills and manipulation is a worthy trait. A dangerous one as well.

"And it's apparent on your minds, I can tell. We invite you to the Princess's coronation because that is what she wishes for." Hazama explained, "as you must know, generations change, thoughts, and ideas as well. Why not form a peace treaty now? Obviously it would be in both our favors for us to do so."

Nagisa glanced over, an expression of defeat. She was right, something like this would only do us good. Maybe we're just overthinking this offer.

"You must feel threatened by our sudden proposal but fear not. Even our Princess is a klutz in her own charming ways. She's around your age, so you must know the responsibilities the crown holds. Though, she will be the one to wear hers first of course. And if relations are well, she could even help the Crescent Kingdom."

I thought things were going well, but every snark comment afterwards just doesn't leave a good taste in my mouth. Even at the door, I heard murmuring from both Kaede and Karasuma.

"When we sail, we can only have a few numbers if I'm not mistaken." Nagisa brought up.

"As you see, I am only but one soul. I think you guys can manage the same? Preferably two others can accompany. A babysitter for each." She smiled.

I can't take this much longer.


Karasuma entered the room with Kaede peeking out from the side. Her eyes stared intensely at Hazama with a hidden pout of displeasure.

He cleared his throat.
"My apologies for the intrusion but the current crowns are asking for Lady Hazama."

"Is that so?" She smirked and bowed her head, "then I shall be going now. We'll continue this when time permits." She drew her hand out.

"Of course." I shook her hand.

As Karasuma escorted Hazama out, Kaede slipped in with her hands on her hips. She took one last glance at those two leaving and rolled her eyes.

"The nerve of some people!" She screamed with a whisper. "How dare she insult the both of you." Kaede motioned her hands at the door as if she was throwing salt.

"Now now, we must stay composed." I said, "even if she's a wicked troll."

"Karma! Language." Nagisa punched my arm.

Kaede giggled and raised her hand for a fist pump, it was only natural to follow through.

"Don't worry, if you need me to, I'll give her a royal welcome." She winked.

"It's peace we want, not war." Nagisa shook his head in disagreement. "But if you have to, I didn't hear anything." Nagisa brought both his hands to his ears and covered them.

"Did they really call for her?" I asked.

"Nope." Kaede whistled, "besides, they'll deal with her their own ways. Thought that we could save you the trouble."

"Thank you." Nagisa gleamed.

"Anyhow, it's quite troublesome that that we can only bring two people." I pointed out, "is it wrong to admit that the idea is somewhat threatening?"

"Of course not." Kaede placed her arms behind her back, "those who fear nothing are the real fools. Don't be upset my King, did she really hurt your feelings?" Kaede teased.

"You should be grateful that we're companions." I responded while heading towards the door.

"And why is that?" Kaede questioned with a tilt.

"If you were anyone else, I would of thrown you in the dungeon." I winked and essentially left the two.

When the door closed, I stared blankly at Kaede. Her eyes were widen with surprise.

"You don't think he would, even if I wasn't as close? I thought his humor was lenient." She grabbed my sleeve with worry.

"A lot of nerves were hit today." I patted her shoulder, "I think you hit last one." I chuckled, "he's just vexed, that's all. Don't take it personally, he wouldn't dare do such an act." I assured.

"Why, I feel like I must apologize now." She walked past me and opened the door, "or I won't be able to sleep tonight. Wish me luck Nagisa." She waved goodbye.

I waved back and I was left alone in the room.
I moved towards the window and gazed out, watching the streets below.
From this distance, I could see a few kids running around near the gates playing with a yellow ball. Across the street were young ladies chatting, and merchants flailing their arms for service.

"It's nice to stop and stare for once."

I turned my head to my right and saw Yua leaning against the wall, looking out the window as well.

"You always come when I least expect it. How are you?" I asked.

"I've grown interested to the new situation. I'm doing well." She touched the side of my face and caressed it. "You've grown taller."

"Why, I wouldn't say that." I replied. "So you know about Scienion's invitation."

"Why of course." She dropped her arm to the side.

"What does Roka think about it?" I questioned.

"It's simply up to the both of you. When Roka and I ruled, Scienion was not an established kingdom. Like them, we were isolated." She explained. "Though I agree that the sudden invitation is suspicious." She added.

Yua touched the glass of the window carefully, leaving no fingerprints behind when she released.

"You must know how to play chess, correct?" She wondered without looking over.

"Why, everyone knows." I answered.

"Then why falter? They are simply another opponent. Whether friends or foes, you mustn't lose focus. One wrong move, and it's checkmate." She conveyed.

"It's only expected is it not?"

Yua gazed into my eyes and brushed her silk black hair back.

"The lady who represents Scienion came alone. She's knows she has the advantage because you can't decline her smart offer. She's knocked down the pawns and first line of defense."

"I don't quite follow." I spoke, "I understand that they are confident, but-."

"It's foreign land my dear." Yua began to fade as she spoke, "you'll be playing on their terms. Unfortunately, you're already cornered."

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