21 | Gold and Riches

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After both Karma and I had finished our breakfast, we set out into the towns along with Lady Irina and Karasuma.
It was rather a long carriage ride to get to the center of town where the statues of the Original King and Queen stood. I have forgotten the last time I've visited and I really didn't want to go back.

"You're oddly quiet, the both of you." Irina pointed out and leaned forward towards Karma and I who were right next to each other across from them.

"What is there to say really?" I asked.

"No enthusiasm I see. Talk about the Queen who wants to make the kingdom flourish with greatness."

"H-how did you hear?!" Even I was surprised that she had known about that. Of course stories would be going around but in such details.

I hid my face out of shame that I knew it didn't have to hide, but it still gave me a sense of lost security.

"Haha Nagisa, you're too cute." Karma laughed from my reaction and folded his arms to keep himself from losing restraint.

"Right." Karasuma still wasn't fond of the openly mushy relationship of ours. I could sympathize with him actually, even Karma can be extremely obnoxious. 

"Well I'm glad that you guys are on good terms now, but it isn't going to solve the incident that happened in the far fields of the kingdom." Irina brought up.

Karasuma's attention was alert he and looked over at Irina with a serious expression.

"You don't need to speak any further of that." Karasuma's words almost served as a warning. I could see the intense aura surrounding him, sending a crawling sensation on my skin.

"They have the right to know." Irina spoke back, "and I think they would be very interested by now." Irina exposed the issue in order for us to actually question what they were talking about.

Karma and I looked at each other wondering what they were spurring about heatedly.
Karasuma clicked his tongue and this time his body position moved in order to slightly face Irina.

"Everything is under control, there is no need to-."

"Care if I join in? What seemed to be the problem Karasuma?" Karma's jauntiness from before had ceased altogether when Irina had initially engaged him.

It was like he was a totally different person. Who was this Karma that is sitting right beside me?
I looked over at Karasuma and even Karma's boundless gaze startled him and he eventually had to submit.

"After throwing Takaoka in the dungeon, we had assumed that he has been drugged of some sorts as his behavior previous in the past hasn't become the level of treacherous. However he had rejected that assumption and confessed to knowing about the truth about Nagisa and that is why he took his chance weeks before."

I tilted my head.
"What do you mean before?" I asked.

"What I mean is that he is the one behind the event of when you were targeted at the Garden of Names." Karasuma explained, "he is the one who is trying to take your life."
Despite being surrounded by lovely children and friendly townspeople of Wisteria Falls, the discussion we had before our arrival still made me uneasy.
When I looked over at Karma who was taking to the folks, he was hiding his concerns very well.

"Madame! I made this flower crown for you!" A couple of petite children presented me with a crown of soft pink camellias. 

"M-madame?!" I coughed out of shock and questioned if they really thought that I was a female.

"I'm terribly sorry your Majesty, but quite many of the little ones still don't understand." A few of the mothers bowed her head, apologizing for them. "Plus we lower-class folk can't help but to remain true to the title. Please forgive us."

I shook my head.
"It's alright, no need to for this." I placed my hand on her shoulder, "I don't mind at all really. I was just surprised that is all. Besides it is the only title that I can bear anyways, there can only be one person to be called King." I explained.

"Such a kind spirit." The ladies around were pleased with my reply and took a deeper liking to me.

The little kids started to jump around me.
"Please wear this. We know it's not as fancy as a gold crown but it is beautiful." The children's eyes glittered and I couldn't help but want to hug all of them.

I took the flower crown into my hand and then placed it on my head. The little ones saw how uneven it sat and one of them tried to fix it.

"It's really and truly magnificent." I commented.
All of them giggled and gleamed from my happy remark and they all parade me.

"At least we can confirm that your love for the children are just like the previous Queens. Whether you may not look like it my Queen, you have good intentions." The parents pointed out and initially gave me relief that they've accepted me.

Then I felt a light touch on my back and Karma stood behind me.

"What a nice crown." He smiled.

"We made one for you too your Highness!" A little girl pranced over to Karma and he lifted her up in his arms. Karma lowered his head a little and she placed the crown on his head and brilliantly smiled.

"My King! I'm terribly sorry that she..."

"Don't mind it. I want you guys to realize that we are humans as well. While these classes may separate us, we are still connected undoubtably. So please don't apologize for such smallness." Karma politely spoke and the ladies nodded their heads. With the husbands already captivated by how manly Karma was and now even the older women.

While Karma wore the flower crown, it was rather funny on him. But it was a nice chance I guess.

"Hmm?" What are you grinning about dear?" Karma leaned closer towards me and I retreated back a little.

"Hahaha, Karma stop." I honestly found his actions quite humorous and when I was trying to play with the children along with Karma, in the corner of my eye I saw a stray of a child. She was all by herself far from the crowd of people and I stood back up and Karma noticed her as well.

"Is something the matter?" The men approached.
"Who's child is that over there? She looks lonesome."

I steered the attention towards the girl, but no one had seemed to see her. I scratched my head and even Karma could see her.

"I'm sorry your majesty, there is no child over there." They claimed and all the little ones started making a ruckus, enough for the mothers to hush them.

"Karma..." I called him.

"Either she's really staring at us, or we're losing our minds." Karma sighed from some disbelief, but I knew that she was there.

I know that she is there.

The little girl shied away after I kept looking directly at her. It seemed as though she wanted to do something with her hands but she dropped them by her sides. I rubbed my eyes and at the moment, she vanished.

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